We told you that Ackman would fail with his reckless HLF short bet and he has!!!!!

When Billy boy Ackman first announced his reckless and poorly researched HLF Short bet. Called Herbalife a “Pyramid scheme” said he HLF stock, took a billion $$$ bet on HLF and announced the stock was going to zero, so many of us laughed at him and predicted failure for the ego driven head of Pershing Sq (or is that Perishing Sq??)


We laughed then and we are really in stitches now.  It is almost too funny that this pseudo-ego driven maniac made wild accusations against Herbalife, assured all of his brain dead followers that he knew what he was doing, said he was short Herbalife “till the ends of the earth” Well I guess the ends of the earth was last Wednesday. That was when Ackman covered on his HLF short POS north of $75 after shorting @ $35 for a estimated loss of $40 per share and a massive loss for the ego maniac.

As a reminder, for the real dope on the dope Lyin Billy Ackman, go to   www.therealbillackman.com


Now Ackman said he has changed his position and is in puts. He tried that before and they expired worthless. They will again. Just as assuredly as he lost his $1 billion short bet, he will lose on his smaller put bet as well. Remember, this is the same guy who lost $4 BILLION on VRX LAST WINTER. Do you really think he is a great investor? Nope.

And while Herbalife earnings reported on  Thursday were a little disappointing and the stock sold off by about 3%, it came rallying back.  So while the Ackmanaholics were oh so giddy Thursday evening, the same Ackmanaholics were remorseful on Thursday evening and Friday. Nothing new here. These guys don’t know a stock from a rock.

Where is Chris Irons aka quoththeraven, Matt Stewart (if he really is not just an alias for Chris Irons) and all the other seeking alpha authors who were betting on Ackman and so sure that Herbalife was a pyramid scheme? They or he seem awfully quiet.  Much like they were after Ackman’s “Herbalife Death Blow” (hahahahaha) in 2014 or the terrible bomb of “Betting on Zero” (Ackman’s informercial that died so quickly.


So certain. So sure and so wrong. Just like Ackman.


Ackman assured us again and again that he was holding onto his HLF short bet ’till the ends of the earth’ As far as I know, the end for the earth is not here. The end is over for Ackman though.

Oh yes, I know that he has a put position capped to a maximum of 3% of Pershing Squares assets. Pershing Squares assets have dropped from over $20 billion to under $10 billion. So at best, Ackman has a maximum cap of  $3 million, if he maxes out.  That is a long way from  his original bet of $1 billion. What happened to the Ackman confidence and bravado? Look like chicken little now.

And remember, $3 million is the max. My guess is that his real investment in HLF puts is much less than that.

Still there are a lot of shorts out there. This is exciting for we longs. With Ackman out and earnings past, look for these shorts to begin covering enmasse.  The excitement and drama in shorting HLF is now gone. As they cover, HLF stock will rise. And with Ackman gone, the negative PR that we have experienced for nearly 5 years now will also stop. This will accelerate sales for Herbalife and thus HLF earnings in the future.

Now is the time to begin adding more shares.  Buy on the dip. Don’t get sidetracked by negative and erroneus stories on seeking alpha and other FAKE NEWS outlets pushing doom and gloom for Herbalife and HLF stock. Haven’t we heard enough of this over the last 4 3/4 years? If it had any traction, why didn’t it work?

And what of Ackman? What will he do now? We know that he is trying to get seats on ADP. God  help ADP if he succeeds. He will do to ADP what he did to JCP. So many people lost jobs thanks to Ackman. JCP still hasn’t recovered.

Ackman hyped VRX buying shares @ $270  and then sold @ $10. Brilliant move.

He shorted HLF  @ $35   and covered north of $75. Brilliant move.

He was so wrong with Borders, Target, Chipottle and so many more. He bankrupted Gotham Partners.  He has been wrong more times than he has been right.

He is the worst hedge fund manager. No one has been more wrong more often than Ackman.  He is a self serving, egotistical clown. He has not been called “a modern day PT Barnum” for nothing. He is all show and no go.


ackman the worst of wall street

ADP, I hope you are listening.

HLF longs,   I hope you are listening too. I have been on this since December, 2012. I have never been wrong once.  Ackman and shills? They haven’t been right even once.

Ackman may need to find another line of work. I can suggest something for him…..




Ackman continues to lose millions for his investors. How many more Pershing Sq. Investors will redeem this week???

September 10, 2017-A WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE.  . Here is another  reason for Pershing Sq investors to rethink staying with Pershing Sq, for those who have not already redeemed shares.  I wrote  sometime ago a article exposing the scam that Billy-boy Ackman and his braindead shills are running. Once again, make careful note of the real innformation that I provide.  I have been predicting this for years and am 100% spot on. Ackman and his  shills are just hyping and degrading Herbalife and are 100% WRONG!!


Long before the Herbalife-Ackman saga began, I was warning fellow investors to be wary of Ackman.  He is a classic scam artist. Looks good. Smiles. Has a 8 figure net worth, Harvard degree and talks with authority. But basically disseminates bullsh’t. Anyone who has examined Ackman’s investing background know that it is nothing to brag about.

If Ackman were a athletic coach with a record like that, he would bave been fired a very long ago,

We all know what a utter failure VRX turned out to be and we all know how much Ackman hyped that company and stock. And we all know how severely I was attacked for warning investors not to heed Ackman’s advice and not to buy into VRX.

But VRX was not Ackman’s only and first bad investment.

Not that long ago, Billy Ackman was also very bullish on Borders.  We all remember that right? Ackman put a load of cash into that and lost it all. Sound familiar? Let me ask you, how many Borders stores do you see around now? None. Zero. Zilch. This seems to be a pattern with Ackman. Everything he touches turns to dog poop.

Borders files for bankruptcy


I have mentioned in the past how Ackman attempted massive manipulation to make a huge profit (yeah, I know he said he was going to donate it to charity. That has about as much substance as the Clinton’s Foundation) Here is a older video by Jimmy Cramer explaining how manipulation and fomenting in the stock market takes place. Cramer was one of the very best at this. Ackman is one of the very worst. And Cramer never tried to put a innocent company out of business. Ackman did and failed.


And here is some more information on Ackman and his evil ways.

2017 will be Ackman and Pershing Squares worst year ever. Remember, I predicted this for the last 2 years in a row and I was spot on. In 2017, we may very well see Pershing Sq. become Gotham Partners II. Same bonehead is running Pershing Sq. That would be ACKMAN! Pershing Sq has been down double digits in both 2015 and 2016. In February, Ackman and his shills were all elated that Ackman was showing a 1%-2% return in 2017, then. And tALking about gains. GAINS??? Take into account that Pershing Sq. investors are down 40% for the prior 2 years. Add in the blipp 1%-2% gain and they are still down -38% over three years.  Even if Perhsing Sq shows a 1%-2% gain in 2017 and that continues, it will take years for Pershing Sq just to break even, let alone show a profit.

Billy Ackman has made a ton of mistakes. Check them out here………


He has cost his investors millions.


This is from August 31, 2016- Today, Herbalife revealed a brand new, fresh video exposing The  Real Bill Ackman, his many misdeeds, horrible investment decisions and despictable behavior over the years.  This is great news for all Herbalife fans, HLF longs and perhaps will open some eyes to people who glorify Ackman just because he has a 8 figure net worth and a  Harvard Degree.  So some presume that he is infallible. He clearly is not.

The second video is even more hard hitting than the first one. I am sure the Ackman cultists, the Ackmanaholics will not be too happy. Ackman has not been called “A Modern Day PT Barnum” and the “The Worst of Wall Street” for nothing. He is not an investor, he is a reckless gambler who takes inordinate risks and has lost millions for his investors. Those of us who knew Ackman long before the Herbalife saga started already knew this.

Under Ackman’s “leadership” and “management” skills, Gotham Partners imploded for the same reasons that Pershing Sq is imploding right now. Ackman takes inordinate risks and then doubles even triples down on bad investments when wiser minds would move out and move on. Ackman belongs in a casino, not the stock market.

I also recommend discretion when watching CNBC in relation to Ackman. CNBC is to Ackman what CNN is to the Clinton’s. FAKE NEWS.


And by the way, Ackman is a democrat who  has donated millions to their political campaigns. Sen. Markey is close personal friends with Ackman. Of course this is the same Sen. Markey who launched the incredulous FTC investigation on Herbalife 2 years ago which backfired on Ackman. And look who Sen. Markey is good friends with…

sen ed markey with slick willy

A fmr President who was impeached and left the White House in disgrace has close ties with Markey.  Connect the  dots.

The new videos presented on Herbalife’s http://www.therealbillackman.com  are quite revealing indeed and shows not only how wrong and how frequently wrong Bill Ackman is but also how underhanded he is in his dealings.

And it is not just Herbalife’s opinion. The videos show journalists and writers who know Ackman very well and have attempted to expose Ackman in the past. Their information, unlike what Ackman spills out about Herbalife is accurate, well researched and on point.

Many of us have been asking, practically begging Herbalife to be more proactive on going after Ackman. It appears that now that the FTC fiasco is now over, that Herbalife is doing just that.

A lot of misinformation has been and still being peddled by the Ackmanaholics. In the past, Herbalife was on a gag rule and had no way to react. Now they do and it looks like all holy hell is going to break loose.

As one of the most bullish longs on HLF, I too was dismayed to see Herbalife stand idly by while Ackman and his team of morons hurled false accusation after false accusation after another about Herbalife. Not reacting made Herbalife look weak and foolish and even perhaps guilty of what was being said about them. Even the Ackmanaholics brought this up time after time after time suggesting that if in fact Herbalife was truly innocent, why don’t they fight back or sue. Of course they knew about the gag order and was using this as ammunition to further attack Herbalife and try to add some substance to their lies. And it may have worked for awhile,  but now that is over. The game has changed and I am sure we will hear them barking and complaining because Herbalife had the audacity to defend itself and tell the truth about the fraud Billy Ackman.

As I understand it, the videos that came out on Monday  and today are just the first in a slew that will be released along with more information in print and other media telling the truth about Ackman. If you ask me, this is long overdue and welcomed by the intelligent investment universe.

Herbalife is merely clearing it’s reputation by letting the whole world who may not be tuned in to what Ackman is really all about know about his many failures, misdoings and why he is not a “White Knight” trying to protect the innocent but rather a “Evil One” trying to attack a company which has basically done no wrong.

Herbalife has been around for 37 years and no doubt will be around for another 37 years. Where will Ackman be in 37 years, bankrupt, in jail or deceased???

Herbalife has a proven business model that has been working for over 3 1/2 decades. Sales peaked at $7.8 billion.


On July 15, 2016, the FTC ruled that Herbalife IS NOT A PYRAMID SCHEME.  Yet Ackman and his goons  continue to suggest otherwise. Who do we believe, the FTC or Ackman and his goons? I think the proper answer is obvious. I’ll go with the FTC. Ackman and his goons have not been right even once. There is no reason to believe that their losing record will improve or change anytime in the near or foreseeable future.

Icahn exposed Ackman as a liar

By now everyone knows that Carl Icahn called out Billyboy Ackman on his lies that Icahn was selling shares of HLF. Ackman did this last Tuesday and again on Friday morning and did create a selloff on both occasions. I  believe this falls under the category of stock manipulation and no doubt the SEC will be looking into this. Might we see Billyboy hauled off to prison soon? That would be justice for sure.

Carl Icahn’s purchases of an additional 2.3 million shares of HLF stock has further tightened the “short squeeze” on Billy Ackman 


Wall street has to wonder just how long Billy Ackman can hang on to his failing HLF short play. How much longer can he keep it on life support? We all know that Ackman has been liquidating a lot of investments of late. We all know that Ackman’s Pershing Fund has performed horribly for the past two years trailing not only the S&P 500 but also hedge funds as a whole. Ackman may have had some hits in the past, lately, it has been all misses.  Call it luck or whatever, the Ackman magic is gone. No more hits. Now bare singles with huge misses. The party is over for Ackman. Any real investor can see that.

Ackman’s grip on his very reckless HLF short play is slipping away very quickly. Only a matter of time before he concedes.



Global nutrition company Herbalife (HLF) today announced the second in its latest series of videos that showcase observations by the media and other thought leaders about the motives, failed investment strategies and questionable tactics of Bill Ackman. Observers have questioned his scruples and ethics, arguing that he has put his personal agenda ahead of the interests of his investors.

The second video in the series, “Costly Missteps” posted today onTheRealBillAckman.com, includes observations of journalists and others about how Ackman’s “hubris and ego” have cost his investors millions of dollars. Others have commented that to “double down, even triple down on his original poor investment, is ridiculous.” Finally, some have said that Ackman’s investment strategy “is nothing more than gambling.”

“In addition to the investment loss for his investors, Bill Ackman has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on carrying costs, lobbying and public relations. This is real money for his investors who, according to recent media articles, are questioning his investment strategies,” said Alan Hoffman, executive vice president, global corporate affairs, Herbalife.

For four and one half years, Bill Ackman has launched a well-funded, aggressive market manipulation campaign, filled with false statements, to support his reckless $1 billion bet against Herbalife. In addition to the investment loss for his investors, Bill Ackman said his carrying costs were approximately $100 million annually, which when combined with the more than $75 million he has spent on lobbying and public relations, adds up to real money.

Bill Ackman celbrated his birthday on May 11. This means he is one year closer to going to hell for all of his lies and misdeeds. I am sure that satan has a very special place for Ackman.

I hope Ackman maintains his incredibly reckless HLF short position for as long as possible. The longer he stays short, the more money he is going to lose, his credibility which is barely above zero now will drop even more and more and more Pershing Sq investors will redeem their shares with even fewer buying into that perishing fund.

Visit http://www.therealbillackman.com/ to watch the video and learn more about Bill Ackman’s utterly unimpressive record and questionable tactics.

About Herbalife:

Herbalife is a global nutrition company that has been changing people’s lives with great products since 1980. Our nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through dedicated Herbalife independent members in more than 90 countries. We are committed to fighting the worldwide problems of poor nutrition and obesity by offering high-quality products, one-on-one coaching with an Herbalife member and a community that inspires customers to live a healthy, active life.

The company has over 8,000 employees worldwide, and its shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (HLF) with net sales of $4.5 billion in 2015. The Herbalife website contains a significant amount of financial and other information about the company athttp://ir.Herbalife.com. The company encourages investors to visit its website from time to time, as information is updated and new information in posted. To learn more, visitHerbalife.com or IAmHerbalife.com.

View source version on businesswire.com:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160831005399/en/

Still waiting for “Billionaire Bill” Ackman to put up or shut up. And still waiting for Chris Irons aka quoththeraven to start stating facts, not fabrications.

September 7, 2017


Several days ago, several investor friends and I were discussing the Herbalife/Ackman issue. One of the guys asked, “Where did Ackman go wrong?”  I responded immediately, “By going after Herbalife with false information for starters.”

When this whole fiasco started over 4 3/4 years ago, I was on the internet on yahoo and  blogs shooting down the over zealous shorts and Ackmanaholics.  Of course many if not most of the naive fools who believed in Ackman were also busy promoting other business opportunities, some legal, many illegal and were thrilled that Herbalife might be collapsing.

I am sure that were thinking how grand it would be with Herbalife out of the way. That would eliminate one of their major adversaries. Actually, not an adversary or competition for them, since none of them could hold a candle to Herbalife.  And many were other MLMs licking their chops thinking of those 4 million Herbalife reps who would be out of business and looking for another opportunity.

Unfortunately, things did not work out   quite that well for them and certaintly not for Ackman.

Ackman is down $700,000,000 to $800,000,000 on this very reckless bet and that doesn’t even count the additional $100,000,000 + that he spent on lobbying.  He has taken a real beating on this and is still losing.

Aside from losses on the Herbalife bet, actual real dollars, there is the embarrassment that Ackman has suffered from this winless, reckless, insane short play.  The whole world now sees “Billionaire Bill” for what I and so many others knew and saw pre-Herbalife/Ackman saga. They now know that he is a rat fink and nowhere near the great financial genius that he pretends to be.

“Billionaire Bill” Ackman (soon to be a millionaire again) The Worst Of Wall Street


ackman the worst of wall street

Pershing Square investors continue to redeem shares with fewer and fewer new investors buying into the overpriced portfolio that Ackman represents.

Other companies pushing pyramid schemes disquised as MLM shut down

In another interesting issue, at least two companies that were saying “We’re just like Herbalife, only better and newer and will be bigger” turned out to be pyramid schemes and were shut down by the FTC over the last 2 years.  It was hinted that these companies were oh so excited that Ackman was going after Herbalife thinking they could step up and replace Herbalife. Interesting,  2 pyramid companies tried to get a legitimate company shut down while supporting a clown like Ackman. It is almost funny.

Chris Irons aka quoththeraven. Nobody can make a fool out of him. He does a great job all by himself.

Then there is Ackman’s #1 ally and hitman Chris Irons aka quoththeraven from “quoththeraven research” (HAHAHAHA-LOL) When this  first started Irons was all over yahoo message boards, blogs, all over the internet and was writing 3-4 FAKE STORIES a day on Seeking Alpha all with unsubstantiated bullsh’t. Is it any wonder that Ackman lost with a clown like Irons being his spokesperson???

Go back to March of this year. WHO was the only person touting the failed, badly failed documentary “Betting On Zero”??? Of course it was Chris Irons being interviewed on certain low rated and poorly viewed blogs and claiming that this documentary would reveal to the world, not just the investment world,   what Ackman was doing and really expose Herbalife for what people like Ackman and Chris Irons want you to think it is.

As I and so many others stated, the general public was already tuned in to the Herbalife/Ackman saga, they already knew the FTC determination, they knew about Ackman and were about sick of it.

So “Betting On Zero” bombed even worse than Ackman’s “Herbalife DEATH BLOW” (HAHAHAHAHAHA) from 2014.

It is interesting to note, that Ackman with his 8 figure net worth (which has dropped significantly over the last 4 3/4 years) could do no better than Chris Irons to represent him. No wonder Ackman lost and went down so easily.

Chris Irons aka “quoththeraven” reflecting on how badly he failed with his fantasy and fake stories on Seeking Alpha.

images (1)

And of course there is Matt Stewart, if that really is another real person whose stories seem to be a carbon copy of Chris Irons. Many people feel that they are one and the same. No one has been able to prove otherwise.

As Matt Stewart, he claimed that the Michigan AG and all AGs across the country would “pile on” Herbalife. This was back in 2014. FACT: Only 2 AGs went after HLF and they were both friends of Ackman’s.  And even they backed off.  Some of us contacted the Michigan AG and government officials. The response was, “we have no information  and no intention of  going after Herbalife.”  We asked Matt to prove his assertions. He didn’t and couldn’t.

michigan ag symbol2

Perhaps the most ridiculous thing he did as Matt Stewart was complain that he called Stiritz, left a message and never got a return call. HINT: Busy people have no time to return calls to first class scam artists and pretend financial authors.

Matt Stewart waiting for a return phone call from Stiritz. Is he still waiting??


Chicken Matt Stewart challenges Lenny Clements and then backs down!

Lenny Clements who is a well known, legitimate MLM expert  got tired of the lies by Matt Stewart so wrote an opposing and accurate view. Stewart was upset that someone would have the gall to call him out on his bullsh’t and prove that he was wrong. So Stewart  shouted out in Big Caps, “You want to debate me?” (Who else says that??) Clements said “Yes” and Stewart disappeared. Chicken.


I still remember when cocky Bill Ackman came out on CNBC back in December, 2012 arrogantly stating, “Herbalife may have had many people come after them before, but they have never had someone like me (as he was jamming his thumb into his bony chest) come after them!” WOW! So confident! So cocky! What bravado. And now 4  3/4  years later, Ackman has lost his $1 billion bet, lost whatever respect and admiration he may have had at one time. Lost his family via divorce last December. Lost investors and may have lost his mind.

The $4 billion loss that Ackman suffered by foolishly investing in and doubling down on VRX compared is nothing to what he has lost on this very careless and reckless HLF short bet.

I threw out a challenge to Ackman 4 months ago. The challenge still stands. It is either PUT UP or SHUT UP. Here is the challenge…………..


Earlier this week Ackman shouted that he is still bearish on HLF and so convinced that Herbalife is a “pyramid scheme” and cratering that he picked up more short shares.  Unfortunately there is no proof that he shorted anymore at all. Not even with Persh Sq.

And this is so much like PT Ackman. Last February, he told us he was so bullish on VRX and so confident in the ownership, the products, the company and that it was a strong turn around candidate that he was going to buy even more shares. Now we know he doubled down on VRX A COUPLE of times and did buy more shares as VRX was cratering. But this wasn’t the case in February. What happened? After shooting his mouth off, Ackman dumped his whole load of VRX selling everything to the tune of a massive $4 BILLION LOSS!

But hey he said he was bullish and buying more right? Like I and many others have been saying for years. Ackman is a lying fraud. His word is not his bond. He will do the same to HLF shorts. Tell you he is shorting more in the hope that he will convince some suckers to go short and longs to sell and then he will cover and run for the hills.

Simple challenge Billy boy. If you are truly convinced that Herbalife is in as deep of trouble as you try to suggest, then by all means SHORT MORE HLF stock. IN fact bet the house on HLF short play. Bet everything you have. Why not if you think Herbalife is falling apart. But ah, you won’t because Billy boy we know that you really intend to cover a.s.a.p and that Herbalife is NOT in any real trouble. You know that as well no matter what you try to imply.

How about it Billy boy. Put up or shut up.

Even I have to admit, Billy Ackman certaintly deserves the title, “Modern Day Version of PT Barnum.” Nobody in the investment world puts on a better show than PT Ackman. And he is all show and no go.


For the past 2 1/2 years we have been hearing from Ackman what a great investment he made in Valeant. Great company. Strong team. Great leadership. Great products. ENT! What really happened? Stock continued to fall and the more it fell the more PT Ackman continued to hype it and he even doubled down. He bought more. VRX dropped again. And PT Ackman bought more.

Up untill February, Ackman said he was very bullish on VRX as a stock and Valeant as a company. But. In February he exited with little notice and only after still saying he was bullish earlier that day.

By the way, Ackman took a $4 billion loss on that reckless trade that he was so bullish on and kept trying to persuade (sucker) other investors to come into. Now he is trying to sucker other investors to come in to rescue his reckless HLF short play.

That brings us to Herbalife (HLF) we all know that Ackman loudly and proudly proclaimed that he is so certain that Herbalife (HLF) is going to fall, that he shorted more. WOW! What a guy! What bravado!

But doesn’t this sound all too familiar? How many times does Billy boy have to cry wolf before the suckers pick up on it?

Did we forget the 2014 Ackman informercial titled “Herbalife Death Blow” (hahahahahaha) the day that HLF stock rallied 26% even though Billy boy was telling us it is all over?

Personally, as a HLF long, I am thrilled that Ackman is talking about shorting more. All that means is more profits for we longs when he finally has to cover.  And we all know by now that the short interest on HLF is primarily Ackman. 90% or more. So please Billy boy, increase it some more will you?

Ackman is barely hanging on to his extremely reckless HLF short play




Hey Billy Boy Ackman, here is a challenge for you. If you truly believe as you want the naive shorts and Ackman followers to believe that it is all over for Herbalife, that HLF stock is truly going to zero, why not bet more? Why not take all of your liquid cash and put it all on shorting HLF? Really push that short interest up there.

Right now short interest on HLF is lower than it was in 2013. Why not push it to new record highs Billy boy. Only with your money. Use Pershing Squares assets. I mean whatever assets you have left.  We all know that your assets with Persh Sq have dropped by more than 50%. So what do you have to lose? Put it all on.

And don’t stop there, why not mortgage your home, your vacation home, use your own money too. That is whatever you have left since your 9 figure divorce.

Hey Billy boy, fair challenge. If you truly are as sure as you try to pretend to, up the bet. Show some bravado. Then go on CNBC and spread more bullsh’t. Somebody may believe it.

And then  when HLF goes over $100, we all will be laughing hysterically at you.  I promise you that the longer you hold on to your reckless HLF short bet, the more you will lose. VRX will look like petty cash compared to the losses you will incur by staying short on HLF. As I am sure you are aware, when you short a stock the LOSSES ARE UNLIMITED!!!!!!!!

C’mon Billy boy. Bet the house. Show you are a real man. Show us your conviction. And then the market will show you another $4 BILLION+ LOSS for your stupidity.

You know, when I created this handle, I never realized how accurate it would be.  You are the king of scam artists.  And anyone who has followed you pre-Herbalife as I have, know full well that you are no investment genius. In fact, quite the opposite.

How many more Pershing Sq investors redeemed shares this past week? Past month? Pershing Square headed to 0. Gotham Partners II

The lies about China and deliberate fraud by Ackmanaholics confusing illegal pyramid schemes vs legal MLM/NETWORK MARKETING companies has been exposed.

The totally biased and inaccurate reporting of Herbalife’s 2nd qtr earnings by the  Ackman cultists has also been exposed. Herbalife beat earnings and thousands of companies would love to have those numbers. 

Lies that Icahn is going to sell shares has also been exposed as a LIE…again!

Predictions that HLF would have a massive selloff and drop to the 30s were also once again totally false.  HLF has rebounded as it always does.

Meanwhile Ackman continues to make bad investments that go sour. How come everything he touches turns into dog poop?




Betting on Zero officially bombed in June as we predicted. That was Ackman’s last hope

Fake stories on Seeking Alpha have been on the increase and have also bombed badly.

Pro wrestling is almost as fake as the fake stories on seeking alpha

HLF Bulls still in control.

The real question now is how many Pershing Sq investors are still foolishly hanging on to Pershing Sq funds? So many have lost faith in Ackman. In fact, I really think that Pershing Sq investors, how many still remain, should look to have Bill Ackman removed   and replace him with a fund manager who has better judgement. Ackman obviously does not cut it.


Why are so many Pershing Sq investors still redeeming and so few new investors buying in? Lost faith in Bill Ackman.

An old axiom in the the markets is “Never try to catch a falling knife.” No where is this more accurate than with Pershing Sq in which investment returns have fallen sharply over the last 2 years and still dropping.

In fact, it is now more apparent than ever that Ackman is pulling his hair out trying to save Pershing Sq and attempt to prevent it from becoming Gotham Partners II.

Notice how Ackman is now  going back to 15 year returns. Why? Because over 15 years his funds do show a profit. Big problem though. The investments in those early years 10-15 years ago have burned out. The big question all Pershing Sq investors have now is;

What have you done for us recently Ackman?” 

Answer is Lose $$$$$$.

A new motto is:

Lose Money Now – Ask Ackman How!

And how true.

$4 billion + loss on VRX even though he was so bullish for so long and told bis investors he had carefully resarched the company.

$700 +million loss on HLF short Position with losses growing daily.

ADP has done nothing but drop since Ackman got involved.

Then add in JCP, TARGET, BORDERS, yawn………so many losses. Ackman has bad judgement. No, make that terrible judgement.  My 12 year old does better with his proxy account.


Ackman has a horrible investment record.


Perhaps Carl Icahn can step in, pound some sense into Ackman and show him how to  get out of this insane, reckless HLF short play before he loses everything. And if Ackman won’t listen to Icahn, perhaps a freind or relative should in, that is if he has any friends and relatives left.

We also now know that Ackman has sold off a lot of his investments. Most of which he was bragging about not long ago which went sour. If in fact Ackman ever did really have any magic, obviously that magic is now gone.

Most feel that Ackman never had any real magic or great strategies, he was just plain lucky. Like the proverbial blindfolded monkey.  He is no Buffet. My 12 yr old gets better returns in his proxy account.

If you have been a investor in Pershing Sq  and mirroring Ackman’s trades, you have seen double digits losses over the last two years just as I and others  predicted back in 2014. I see Pershing Sq as showing another major loss in 2017.

Those of us who have been in the game even prior to the Ackman-Herbalife saga, know very well about Ackman and his many mistakes. Yes he has had a few hits, perhaps one big hit. But so many misses. I honestly don’t know any other hedge fund manager who has been more wrong more often than Ackman.

A week ago, Ackman was bragging about some “Mystery” investment that he invested in and is excited about.  He wouldn’t say what it is which I believe is a red flag suggesting that this is just a smoke screen to try to slow down the massive redemptions he is getting at Pershing Sq.

However, even if Ackman does  have a investment that has grown by 20%, how much   does that affect his fund overall? It may bring it to a 2%-3% return.  I repeat, Ackman’s fund at Pershing Sq has been down double  digits 2 years in a row. So at best, a 3% return in 2017 if that happens will leave Pershing Sq investors and others who follow Ackman’s reckless trades with a 3 year loss of  about-37%. I don’t know of any other hedge  fund or other manager who has done anywhere near this poorly.

AND……….As Herbalife continues on it’s growth mode,  this will eat into Pershing Sq even more. Not to mention Ackman’s  other investments are not performing very well.

Don’t put too much credence into Ackman’s claim that he has some super investment that has grown by 20%. Ackman has a poker face and talks a lot. There is a reason why he has been called “A modern day version of PT Barnum” It is all show and drama. Look at his track record. Yuck!

Ackman also maintains a bearish attitude towards Herbalife no matter how wrong he always turns out to be.  I am certain that he will maintain a long term short position on HLF even when it takes Pershing Square to 0 and becomes Gotham Partners II.

Pershing Sq had nearly $20 billion in assets a year ago. Now it is down under $10 billion and declining fast. More and more Pershing Sq investors are redeeming daily. And few new investors are buying into this horrible fund and for good reason. It is expensive, has nose bleed fees and commission and has a horrible, absolutely horrible return. Most of all, look who manages it. Not an enviable record. And who wants to pay so much to lose $$$? You don’t need Ackman for this.  In fact, novice investors would do much better to invest on their own and generally massively outperform Ackman. My 12 yr old son does better with his proxy account.

Carl Icahn gave Ackman some good advice months ago……..

Carl Icahn, despite the negative attacks against him from smaller billionaire with a rapidly declining net worth Billy Ackman, tried to give Billy boy some good advice months ago.  He said that Ackman had gotten too emotional over the HLF short play and was trying to win a bet against Herbalife that was impossible He said that Ackman had “lost perspective” and indeed he has. And now obviously Pershing Sq is paying for Ackmans ineptness.

We all know that Ackman was responsible for taking Gotham Partners down. The once hedge fund office is now a dress factory. Ackman takes miscalculated risks and loses way too often.  And he loses B-I-G Hence, so many of his Pershing Sq investors are redeeming shares and washing their hands of Ackman. Who can blame them?

Just a few months ago, Pershing Sq took a huge hit at the expence of Ackmans foolishness and bad investment judgement with a $4 billion+ loss on VRX. And all this time Ackman was telling his sheep to hold on. He had carefully researched this company. The stock would bounce back.  Or so he said. Ackman doubled down by buying more shares as the stock dipped incurring even more losses. Finally selling when $VRX hit $10 for once again a $4 BILLION +LOSS. Ouch! Bad move. Bad judgement.  But it wasn’t his first and won’t be his last.

But does Ackman really know what he is doing in investments? Doesn’t look like it.

Do you remember when VRX used to trade @ $33.51 just a few months ago and Ackman was still so bullish on it? Ackman bought VRX at $270 and rode it all the way down to $10 before finally selling.  Does this sound like good judgement to you?


For more on this wacko, go to this website……….


Today,  Herbalife (HLF) is up again. Make that three days in row. Ackman and his shills are wrong again. I don’t care if they hold on to their reckless short HLF positions. Hey, it’s their money not mine. I bet their phones are ringing from brokers with Margin Calls. 

In other news, TESLA is also up today. Didn’t Seeking Alpha with their FAKE NEWS STORIES  tell us to sell that last week? And what did I say? Hold on right? So once again, irregardless of Herbalife and HLF stock, who is right and who is wrong as usual,  the FAKE NEWS on Seeking Alpha which is why we call it FAKE NEWS!. qtr research needs to move out of Chris Irons bedroom, out of stock market speculation and  Chris Irons needs to move into something else, like maybe mowing grass? Perhaps he can do that without screwing up.


December, 2012 will go down as the worst time in Bill Ackmans life and will indelibly be etched in time as the time when Bill Ackman made the worst mistake of  his life—–Lying about Herbalife.

Every investor/trader shorts stocks from time to time. Nothing wrong with that.  Typically, savvy, sophisticated, educated and successful traders will research the companies and   stocks before shorting them, they will use technical analysis and other tools to determine whether a stock is ripe for shorting. Heretofore, no one has ever shorted a stock that successfully beat earnings 22 quarters in a row,  with a company that was and still is in a huge growth mode and used old, outmoded and debunked crap to create short position and then call it “A illegal PYRAMID SCHEME and their stock is headed to Zero” as Billy boy Ackman did to Herbalife at that now infamous informercial he mislabeled a presentation back in December 2012.

Billy boy Ackman is not what he claims to be. He has been apropiately named “The Worst of Wall Street”  Just ask anyone who follows his trades or anyone of the many who have redeemed shares and walked away from Pershing Sq. because of Ackman’s very bad investment decisions. 


ackman the worst of wall street

*FACT-Ackman’s thesis was all wrong and still is. Where is Sean Dineen these days????

*FACT-Pershing Sq was having a bad year in 2012 and Ackman need to work some magic   so squew the numbers. So why not go after Herbalife? So he thought.

*FACT-Ackman did open a huge $1 billion plus short POS on HLF and allegedly bought December, 2012 puts.

*FACT-The Sohn Conference Informercial was conducted just days before options expiration

*FACT-Ackman would not allow anyone from Herbalife to be in attendance at this Sohn Conference Informercial to offer a point/counter point discussion. What was Ackman afraid of? Obviously the truth and he wanted nothing to ruin the big gains he was expecting from those puts and short POS before the end of December to sugar coat prospectuses to lure in more victims into his Pershing Sq fund scheme(Or is that Perishing??)

Ackman sure created an incredible Fairytale with his FAKE NEWS story on Herbalife and he continues with that FAKE NEWS story to this day. Big problem though: Ackman has been taking a licking on this insane, crazy, reckless, winless HLF short bet.

Despite the hype and drama, bringing in his buddies which included 2 AGs and a US senator, numerous appearances on CNBC, conferences and memos, blogs etc. after nearly 5 years Ackman is deeper in the  hole with his HLF short than ever before and barely hanging on by his fingernails


To date Ackman has lost an estimated $7 million on this HLF short bet. To make any profit on this at all, HLF has to drop to $30. To make a huge profit, it has to drop to under $20. After the Sohn Conference Informercial, HLF did drop as low as $24 but rallied back up. And then when Carl Icahn came on the scene, it really rallied and went as high as $84 in January 2014.

Through it all, Ackman has been appearing on CNBC, sending out memos, apearing all over, frantically trying to find someone who will pretend to be a Herbalife “victim” still says “Herbalife is a pyramid scheme and the stock is going to zero” and everytime he says that, HLF goes higher, higher and higher. While HERBALIFE continues to grow constantly adding more and more and more preferred customers and distributors.

Ackman would be better off trying to shovel sand off of a beach. Same result!

Clearly Ackmans fairytale, and that is all it ever was has turned into a nightmare for this failing billionaire. More and more Pershing Sq investors are redeeming shares, fewer new accounts are being opened.  Ackman had no earthly clue what he was doing when he started this nor did he care that he as putting tens of thousands of HLF longs at risk,  4.5 million Herbalife distributors, 8,000 Herbalife employees without a job or a business opportunity that they  worked long and hard at and potentially leaving millions of happy customers all over the world without a product. Why? All because of Greed & Ego.

While Ackman bashes Herbalife, authentic billionaires who truly understand network marketing,  business and want to help people succeed, fully support it. 





I value the word of these wise and very successful people over shyster, scammer Billy Boy Ackman. 

Regarding that short bet, Yeah I know Ackman claimed he was going to donate any profits to charity. C’mon.

Who invests $1 billion to short a stock and then passes it on to charity? This was all smoke and mirrors.  His eyes were bleeding green and he was chopping at the lips thinking of the billions he could make if this scam  against Herbalife really worked.  And he would look like a do goody to the uneducated and uninformed.  He would look like the “good guy” when he reality, he is quite the opposite.

Thank God it didn’t work.

Herbalife posted first quarter earnings on Thursday that were a blowout substantially exceeding analysts expectations and putting to rest the concerns that the FTC determination would seriously impact Herbalife going forward.

AS many of us have been stating for some time, there would be no serious impact. Herbalife has always been focused on retail sales along with recruiting. Sure there were some shysters who did not follow company guidelines and broke FTC rules by front end loading and selling worthless tools like stale leads, web sites and trying to create telemarketing heroes out of people with no previous sales experience and offered very little if any valuable assistance. Once reported, these people were terminated and actually went with other companies.

A walk down memory lane

Interesting is that when these violaters were reported  and terminated by Herbalife, the Ackman shills were all over the old Yahoo message boards as well as other personal blogs, websites stating “Top leaders leaving Herbalife” This started back in December 2012. They never mentioned that these “Top Leaders” were terminated by Herbalife. Surprised? I wasn’t

The same garbage, not surprisingly started to appear in the Seeking Alpha Fake stories.  Back then, there were as many as 5 anti-HLF “stories” appearing daily in SA. I challenged the authors to  retract their comments and indicate that these “top reps” were actually terminated. Of course they never did. It would take away from their drama and lies. Eventually though the truth came out. Especially when Carl Icahn came on the scene in January 2013.

It should be noted that these anti-HLF people (probably one person with a bunch of aliases) were predicting HLF would hit zero by March, 2013. Hello. It is May, 2017. And we are a long way from zero.

They also constantly reiterated Ackman’s insane line and made it their own:

“HLF is going to 0 and I have a strong sell on it.”

Oh really? What qualifies him to set a target price or a rating on it? Answer: Nothing!

Chris Irons aka Birdbrain quoththeraven


The big mouth in all of this tried to make it appear as though he was a big roller. Some big time analyst or celebrity. Using an alias, he even tried to suggest he was Hugh Heffner! LOL!  In fact, by his own admission he later, about 2 years later with help from Herbie admitted he was in fact “just a little guy” Yes indeed but he never revealed just how little. That was a few years ago.  Now he is trying to play the “big roller” role again and wants some people to think he really knows something. Clue: He doesn’t

Of course I am referring to Chris Irons aka quoththeraven.  I know you already knew it.  And as a another walk down memory lane, who was it that revealed his real first name was Chris and was about to reveal his whole name until he did it himself, embarrassed by my letting the cat out of the bag? Of course, I was the one. And keep in mind, prior to all of this, Chris Irons aka quoththeraven tried to convince everyone that he would never, never, never,never, ever release him real name because he was getting so much hate mail and death threats. LOL—–The drama continued. So much bull. But once I let people know that I was about to reveal his real name, the so called “Hate mail” and Deaththreats” were no longer an issue.

Chris Irons challenges John Hempton to a debate. Really Chris????

Almost too funny, I got a memo from someone who still subscribes to Chris Irons aka quoththeravens twitter feed that he wants to challenge John  Hempton, anytime, anywhere. While I can’t speak for John Hempton, I would love to see this happen. Is there any doubt that John Hempton would mop the floor with qtr??? Have you ever read any of quoththeravens (Chris Irons) stuff? He is not a very good communicator. Communication is not his forte at all. And he is never accurate. Hempton is. And Hempton understands investing. Chris Irons does not. He is always so wrong. My $$$$ are on Hempton, that is if Chris Irons actually accepts. But rest easy, he won’t. Just more of the drama.

I also received several messages from people sending me tweets that quoththeraven posted on his quoththeraven twitter page. I’ve been blocked and thankful for that just as I am continually deleting all of quoththeravens fake aliases from my twitter account. Interesting that this guy is so obsessed with following me.

Apparently on Thursday and Friday Irons came out like a raving lunatic. He couldn’t believe the earnings results nor how the street reacted and HLF soared. Was like Ackman’s ill fated “Herbalife death blow” in July 2014 (hahahahahaha) Some deathbow. Ackman looked like the fool he is as did Irons and whatever other followers Ackman has and HLF shorts. They were in shock. No response for about a week. Then Irons tried to spin it as he always does and the market laughed as they always do.

And BTW, 3 years ago Matt Stewart who many people think is just another alias for Chris Irons challenged Lenny Clements to a debate. Lenny accepted. But where was Matt?!!!!!! Lenny is a recognized authority on MLM. Stewart? He has an opinion and an agenda and is always wrong.

Matt also suggested that the Michigan AG and then all AGs across America would “pile on” Herbalife after two of Ackman’s buddies, both AGs initated action.  That died very quickly and no other AGs did anything.

Paper Tiger Matt Stewart aka “The Chicken”

Chris Irons aka quoththeravens reaction to HLF earnings and market on Thursday nite and Friday. 

quoththeraven after amargin call

Getting back to last Thursday, in Chris Irons world, earnings were bad. The sky was falling for Herbalife. Vindication for Ackman. Billy boy was right, yada, yada, yada. Funny the street didn’t see it that way as HLF SOARED in AH trading and continued to run up on Friday.  Chris Irons aka quoththeraven is obviously living in his own fantasy world and no doubt he thinks the rest of the world is oblivious to the truth and we, as he puts it so often, “just don’t get it” LOL!!!!!!!!

Moving on to 2nd quarter earnings

All we heard from the Anti-HLF’ers since HLF’s 4th qtr earnings was that the FTC decision would show up in Q1 earnings. Well we just had them, Herbalife did extremely well and predictably, the new argument from the Herbalife bashers is that it will show up in 2nd qtr earnings. In case these guys missed it, Herbalife had a strong outlook for 2017 and spring is always a good time for Herbalife sales. People want to lose weight for summer beachtime and warm weather season.  Not to mention their diversified product line of wellness, skin care and sports  supplements. Look for 2nd qtr earnings to also exceed.

And of course when Herbalife exceeds earnings in Q2, then the bashers will say wait until Q3, Q4, (yawn)

Some people suggest that there is a final test coming to see which side is  right, Ackman or Herbalife. Look at the last 4 1/2 years and look at 1st qtr earnings for 2017. Look at the reaction from the markets. I think it is obvious which side is right and pardon my grammar, but it ain’t Ackman. It is over for Ackman.

Carl Icahn has tightened his grip on Billy boy. Choking the life out of him. And Icahn is expected to be building on his position.  Good bye Billy.  You’re just a crybaby in the school yard. Always were, always will be.


Then some say that the bulls are winning for now.  For now????  The bulls have been winning this since January 2013!!!!!!!!!!

Some keep bringing out the FTC fine from last June. “That Herbalife paid a $200 million fine in July to end the FTC’s investigation into whether the multi-level marketer of diet shakes was a pyramid scheme, as Ackman had accused.”  Or that is how they say it.

Herbalife DID NOT pay the fine to end the FTCs investigation. FTC does not negotiate with companies that break the law. It was certain Herbalife distributors who broke the law and thus Herbalife ended up paying a fine for their improper actions. As already mentioned above, these distributors were terminated by Herbalife and their actions were never condoned by Herbalife and clearly against Herbalife policy.  And most of that fine went back to Herbalife via fmr Herbalife distributors who returned to the company at the end of qtr 4 and beginning of q1 and used that money to buy more Herbalife products. Where were the co called “Herbalife victims” Only in Ackmans imagination.

In fact, Herbalife agreed to distinguish between distributors who sell the product and preferred members who merely want to use the products. Ackman, who knows little or nothing about network marketing or even how to pick stocks as evidenced by his huge losses on HLF short not to mention VRX recently and JCP, BORDERS, TARGET etc.  scoffed at this idea and still claims that he sees HLF going to zero. But of course he does. His reputation is at stake and he has already lost approximately $700 million on this very reckless and poorly research HLF short play. And by the way, didn’t he also say he was bullish on VRX right up until he pulled the plug and sold it AT A $4 BILLION LOSS??? Ackman’s word is not his bond. His word is meaningless. He will say he is staying with his HLF short POS and then pull the plg and cover seconds later.

Herbalife reported 18,652 new members in North America in the first quarter, that number does not include the preferred members, a contingent that is several times larger than the distributors who actually sell the product to others. (Since Herbalife began separating these two categories in mid-January, 80% of new U.S. recruits signed up as preferred members, the company said.)

Previously, the Herbalife bashers claim was that Herbalife did not have any customers. Now Herbalife is proving they do. And now the Ackmanaholics Herbalife bashers look at this as bad news for Herbalife??????????? I don’t think so. It proves what Herbalife has been saying all along. That there are real customers. And I am certain that is the way the street saw it too based on the huge rally on Thursday AH and on Friday.

The total combined number of new U.S. distributors and preferred members is just slightly below what it was last year: In the first quarter of 2016, Herbalife disclosed 83,276 new North American recruits, of which about 80,200 were in the U.S. This year, the number was 78,900 for the same period, a decline of 1.7%, according to the company.

But, take into consideration the constant attacks by Ackman and his shills. Contrary to what Ackman and his shills say, this has leaked out to the general public and has affected Herbalife to some degree. Mainstreet is very much aware of this and not because of that Ackman informercial mislabeled a documentary.  However, in spite of Ackman’s unsubstantiated remarks, Herbalife still continued to grow massively outpacing other network marketing-MLM companies in North America.

And of course, you have to take into account the current state of the economy and that USA had a presidential election in 2016. These things always create turmoil in the the markets.  ALL told, Herbalife’s numbers were very impressive if not extraordinary.

Even before the quarter ended, there were signs that Ackman and other Herbalife detractors had underestimated the number of consumers amid the company’s distributor ranks. This is nothing new. In 2012, Ackman also underestimated and misjudged when herbalife reps would renew. It was a huge miscalulation.

When the FTC sent settlement checks earlier this year to supposed Herbalife “victims” who had supposedly never made any money as distributors, many of those who are now preferred members received them. Fans of the diet and nutrition products who never intended to resell them, some of those people said they planned to spend the settlement money on more Herbalife shakes and protein bars. Put another way, that FTC fine is being redirected  back to Herbalife and Herbalife did not pay a fine to end the FTC investigation. The FTC does not operate that way. If Herbalife was guilty of any wrong doing, they would have been shut down. They weren’t. Case closed. Except in the minds of Ackman and his nutty follower(s)

Some will remember that Herbalife faced a major challenge back in 1985. Prior to the media attack then, Herbalife’s sales were over $512 million annually and were up to over $90 million a month in January, 1985. After the media attack, Herbalife sales dropped all the way down to only $10 million annually.  This occurred in the 1980s. We all know Herbalife came roaring back. Also, I think that challenge was far more potent that what little weenie Ackman has offered. Herbalife is very resilent and has always proved that they are following the laws. Legal and ethical.

The FTC was yanked into this by Ackman via his buddy Sen. Markey.  What was the result? Ackman lost again and we haven’t heard from Sen. Markey. I wonder if he is still close friends with ACKMAN after this embarrassment???? And how about those two AGs who were such good buddies with Billy boy, where are they? Also been very quiet.

Sen. Markey may be eating ice cream cones, but he has had very little to do with his (former??) good buddy Billy boy Ackman

sen ed markey

As already mentioned, that FTC settlement to so called Herbalife “victims” has brought more former distributors and preferred members back to Herbalife and they are using that money to buy more Herbalife products.  So the settlement is actually being redirected back to Herbalife. Interesting. Or at least much of it.

Also, Herbalife as we all know has their WinBack program in place which has been very successful bringing back more former distributors and preferred members. And of course  Herbalife reps are hard at work building their businesses. I see the button “Lose Weight Now – Ask Me How” everywhere and Herbalife reps inviting people to their nutrition clubs. Speaking of which, I love the nutrition clubs. They are very powerful.

Another thing, spring is always the best time of the year for Herbalife as people are focusing on losing weight for summer and warm weather season. Expect sales to SOAR. And there are ads all over for Herbalife. Not to mention that Herblaife’s product line goes beyond just weight loss to sports supplements, wellness products, skin care and more.  All of these things are positives and I expect Herbalife to have a OUTSTANDING 2nd quarter.

The squeeze on Ackman tightened up considerably last Thursday. Expect to get even tighter.  MOASS is here.


I also enjoy playing with quoththeraven aka Chris Irons, Ackman, his braindead shills and the stupid and ignorant HLF shorts.  Every single time they open their mouths via the internet with outrageus, ridiculous “what ifs”  and “maybes” Doom & Gloom predictions, yet they are always wrong and I am always right. I look forward to doing it again next quarter and watching them be oh sooo wrong yet again. My guess is that Ackman will be gone by then. But this guy will continue. I guess he really needs that $35 an article and a penny per click from the garbage he writes on SA.

Hey Chris, so there is no hard feelings, I have  some friends in Philly who may be able to help you. They are looking for a gardener and someone to mow their lawn. Probably will pay better than writing garbage on Seeking alpha and more ethical than promoting Pump & Dump pennystock junk. Of course, this is assuming you really do live in Philly and are fit enough to    run a lawn mower and do  garndening work.  Do you really live in Philly? Perhaps that is total bull too.

Ackmanaholics and shills are really funny.  No matter  how many times they are wrong, which is everytime, they still maintain they are right and think they can manipulate t he market with their b.s.  It never works! They are like the guy who hits himself on the head with a hammer. He should only have to do that one time to realize, “Ouch, that hurts.”

Image result for image of a man hitting himself on the head with a hammer

Herbalife had great earnings as I and so many other experienced investors indicated long before earnings was announced. I made it obvious that I was long a week before and was expecting great earnings. I increased my POS on HLF, bought calls, sold puts and bought more shares. And do you know how many companies would love to have the numbers that Herbalife produced on Thursday? Do you know how many MLM companies would love to acquire 83,276 new distributors just in North America in 1 yr and without the noise and distraction of that lunatic Ackman???

Clearly, what Herbalife did on Thursday was nothing short of mind boggling.

BTW, here are some of my other holdings. Obviously, I can’t put an image of my account on here.  I know how to invest successfully. Unlike Ackman and Chris Irons. BTW, did you know that even though Chris Irons along with his idol Ackman, makes wise cracks about Herbalife reps, calls them “get rich quick money hungry scam artists” Do you know how he makes his living? He is a PUMPnDUMP pennsystock promoter.

And interesting too, in another tweet that I received made by Chris Irons aka quoththeraven, he indicates he wants the name calling stopped but then proceeds to name call Michael O. Johnson and new Herbalife CEO. Well, well. Those of us who ever read his stuff have come to expect this.  No surprise.

Hey Chris, my friends in Philly really are looking for someone to mow their grass and be their gardener. At least this would allow you to make an honest living, for a change.  And no doubt more $$$ than what you make now. IF you are healthy enough to do it that is.stock-photo-cute-man-mowing-lawn-in-the-backyard-of-his-house-191098076

chart (3)

chartchart (2)

GNC Continues to decline as we predicted months ago. Chris Irons aka Quoththeraven was bullish and foolish on GNC and wrong as usual.

Some people think I jump on Chris Irons aka quoththeraven too much. Quite the opposite, not nearly enough. Why do I do this? Because he is on agenda, pretty much always wrong and if people follow his useless advice, they will get hurt.

Aside from being way off and totally wrong on Herbalife, GNC is another example of Chris Irons “wisdom” he has been very bullish on GNC for a very long time, probably because in his mind he sees it as a threat to Herbalife. Fat chance. Last January Irons proudly announced that he saw GNC as an easy jump to $14. GNC was trading at $10 at that time. Result? GNC sold off as we predicted it would.

But it has gotten much worse for GNC




GNC Holdings, Inc. breached its 50 day moving average in a Bearish Manner : GNC-US : August 23, 2017

We predicted back in May after GNC reported dismal 1st qtr earnings in April that GNC would continue to decline and would miss 2nd qtr earnings as well. Here are GNCs 2nd qtr results.


GNC has been in a perpetual decline since 2013 with no turn around in sight.

GNC Holdings, Inc. Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | GNC Holdings, Inc. Quote

Same-store sales decreased 0.9% in domestic company-owned stores (including GNC.com sales) in the second quarter of 2017. In domestic franchise locations, same-store sales declined 1.1%.

And GNC is not alone.  Look at what happened to Vitamin Shoppe:


Report on Vitamin Shoppe latest earnings.

Shares of Vitamin Shoppe Inc. VSI, -0.45% plummeted 28% to a record low in morning trade Wednesday, after the vitamin and specialty supplements retailer reported second-quarter profit and revenue that missed expectations, and provided a downbeat outlook. The stock was on track for its second-biggest-ever one-day decline, behind the 33% plunge on May 10, 2017 in the wake of first-quarter results. The company said before Wednesday’s open that the second-quarter net loss was $156.4 million, or $6.73 a share, after a profit of $10.4 million, of 44 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Excluding non-recurring items, such as $168.1 million in impairment charges, adjusted earnings per share of 23 cents missed the FactSet consensus of 39 cents. Revenue fell to $304.8 million from $332.7 million, missing the FactSet consensus of $314.7 million, as the same-store sales decline of 8.3% was more than expectations of a 6.1% decline. The company revised its 2017 same-store sales outlook to “negative mid-single digits” from the previous guidance of “negative low- to mid-single digits.” Chief Executive Colin Watts said results were disappointing as the market environment “evolved more quickly than we anticipated particularly in the sports categories.” The stock has tumbled 71% year to date, while the S&P 500 SPX, -0.29% has gained 10%.

The OTC nutritional companies are not doing that well and with my experience in taking supplements, I really wouldn’t recommend taking their products either. Apparently others are picking up on this which is no  doubt why their stocks are slipping.

Takeaway from this?

Don’t listen to the pennystock “pump & dump” promoters who know next to nothing about the stock market, make insane predictions on dead stocks and attack good companies. They are masters of hype. Just listen to a few minutes of their “sales pitch” when they try to hustle you to buy their over priced junk penny stocks.  All hype no substance. Ditto for their stories on Seeking Alpha, blogs etc. Always hyping and always wrong.

Chris Irons/quoththeraven “Quoththeraven research” is just a one man operation and you can see how much quality is in his research (opinions)  He would be better off mowing lawns.



Bill Ackman is also always wrong.



ackman the worst of wall street

Be careful who you are listening to.

Here is the article I wrote several months ago.

It has been about 3 months since the April earnings report for GNC Holdings, Inc. GNC. Shares have lost about 22.8% in that time frame, underperforming the market.

Will the recent negative trend continue leading up to the stock’s next earnings release, or is it due for a breakout? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let’s take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important drivers.

Recent Earnings

GNC Holdings reported first-quarter 2017 adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of $0.37, reflecting a massive 46.4% year-over-year deterioration. However, the quarter’s adjusted EPS surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 12.1%.

The year-over-year decline was due to underperformance of the U.S. & Canada and manufacturing/wholesale segments.

Including one-time items, the company’s reported earnings were $0.35 per share, down 49.3% year over year.


Revenues during the reported quarter dropped 3.6% year over year to $644.8 million. The figure however outpaced the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $631.4 million.

The decline in revenue can be attributed to lower sales at the U.S. & Canada international and manufacturing/wholesale segments.

Same store sales decreased 3.9% in domestic company-owned stores (including GNC.com sales) in the first quarter of 2017. In domestic franchise locations, same store sales declined 4.6%.

Segment in Details

GNC Holdings reports its operations under three segments: U.S. & Canada – including company-owned stores in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada, franchise stores in the U.S. and e-commerce; International – including franchise locations in approximately 50 countries, The Health Store and China operations; and Manufacturing/Wholesale – comprising manufactured product sold to other segments, third-party contract manufacturing and sales to wholesale partners.

During the reported quarter, GNC Holdings’ revenues from the U.S. & Canada segment dropped 3.8% to $552.9 million, primarily because of a decline in same store sales in both company-owned and franchise stores. Domestic franchise revenues however rose 1.6% to $83.1 million, driven by a net increase in the number of franchise stores from 1,082 as of Mar 31, 2016, to 1,164 as on Mar 31, 2017. This was partially offset by the impact of negative retail same stores sales of 4.6% in the reported quarter. Weakness in the food and protein categories as well as significant decrease in e-commerce sales due to better aligning web promotions to the company’s stores, largely affected this segment in the fourth quarter.

Revenues at the international segment increased 7% to $39.4 million. Revenues from international franchisees increased $1.3 million primarily due to an increase in wholesale sales and in retail same store sales of 3.8% in the current quarter (excluding the impact of foreign exchange rate changes relative to the U.S. dollar). Revenues from the China business increased $1.2 million in the current quarter compared with the prior quarter.

However, it should be noted that there is a lot of chaos in China right now especially with nutrition based companies. No reason to believe that GNC will see this growth again in 2017-2018.

Revenues at the manufacturing/wholesale segment (excluding intersegment revenues) decreased 8.6% to $52.5 million. Within this segment, third-party contract manufacturing sales increased 0.9% to $30.7 million, which was partially offset by a 19.3% decline in wholesale sales to $21.8 million and a 2.7% drop in intersegment sales to $61.3 million, primarily due to lower proprietary sales in the U.S. & Canada segment.


Gross profit deteriorated 9.7% in the reported quarter to $212.9 million. Consequently, gross margin contracted 223 basis points (bps) to 33% owing to lower sales and product margins at the company’s GNC.com business and deleverage of occupancy costs as a result of negative same-store sales.

Selling, general and administrative expenses rose 12.2% to $160.5 million. However, adjusted operating margin deteriorated 231 bps to 32.3% owing to a wider decline in gross profit.

Financial Position

GNC Holdings exited the reported quarter with cash and cash equivalents of $39.8 million, down from $34.4 million at the end of fiscal 2016. Long-term debt was $1.50 billion at the end of the quarter, compared with $1.52 billion at the end of fiscal 2016. In the first quarter, the company used cash of $46.1 million in operating activities, compared with $142.3 million a year ago.

 Further, the company generated free cash flow of $33.4 million in the reported quarter as compared to $132.1 million in the year-ago quarter.

‘One New GNC’ Plan Update

Earlier, management had announced plans to revamp its existing business model, dubbed as the ‘One New GNC”. The company has already started seeing transformational changes during the first quarter 2017. GNC Holdings recorded 9.3% growth in the reported quarter and its management is encouraged by the new loyalty programs under this plan. As of the end of the first quarter of 2017, 5 million consumers joined the myGNC Rewards Program.

However, it should be noted that the street reacted very negatively to these numbers.  The so called  “transformational changes during the first quarter 2017.” resulted in a 22% drop in GNC stock. If these changes were so remarkable, why are investors selling so massively???

How Have Estimates Been Moving Since Then?

Following the release, investors have witnessed a downward trend in fresh estimates. There has been one upward revision for the current quarter compared to three downward. In the past month, the consensus estimate has shifted upward by 7.1% due to these changes.

GNC Holdings, Inc. Price and Consensus


The estimates have been broadly trending downward for the stock (GNC), the magnitude of these revisions does not look promising. Gains will be negligible at best.

GNC has also had a host of complaints filed against them including issues of adding banned substances in their sports supplements. Brick & mortar franchise businesses seem to be in a decline. Thi9s has impacted GNC With GNC, even their online business has dropped.

Also, people want more personalized service. For this they will go to the private health food stores or the direct sales network marketing companies that provide more one on one service, counseling and support. Some companies even have nutrition clubs and meetings where customers can get together and network with their peers.

Many customers have noted no real difference or change in using GNC products. Who wants to pay so much for products that are just ho-hum????

GNC  tried to  capture the weight loss market. They have a shake which is chalky and a fat burner which could be dangerous.  Customers do not seem too elated over the results and are not breaking down the walls reordering or recommending these products.

Finally, there is the cost. Savvy, modern aware consumers now realize that they pay much more for products sold at places like GNC. They are paying for the leasing, employee payroll, advertising, franchise fees etc.  Prices are elevated by as much as 270%. This is not for   superior products, research & development, it is for basic expences of running a franchise business.

While some analysts have at best a neutral or hold position on GNC, we sincerely believe that is overly optimistic and way too bullish.

We do not recommend a buy or hold on GNC at this point.  See if changes really   do impact any progress or if GNC just continues to decline.

BEWARE of people hyping GNC. Last January, a very irresponsible an unreliable source here on twitter, was overly bullish on GNC and at that time suggesting that GNC would pop up from $10.50 to over $14 very quickly. We saw how that worked out. This same person had been hyping VRX as it dropped from $270 all the way down to $10. Caveat emptor!

On the other hand, we advised to sell. Look who was right.

GNC has been in steady decline for quite some time with no signs of turning around anytime soon.

GNC GNC Holdings, Inc. daily Stock Chart

While there was a lot of hype in April ahead of earnings, look how quickly GNC dropped right down again. Classic Pump & Dump.

Matt Stewart (Chicken Little) is back with more lies regarding Herbalife and HLF stock


Seeking Alpha HLF story author on break  inbetween writing FAKE Stories about Herbalife on SA. 


Matt Stewart is just like Herpes, just when you think he is gone, he’s back. Today he wrote another mind numbing and fake story about Herbalife and once again is suggesting that Icahn wants to sell his stake in HLF. How many times have we heard this before? And it was always wrong.

In fact, Matt Stewart has a history of being wrong and writing fake stories. 4 years ago he suggested that Michigan AG would be next to come down on HLF. This was after Ackman’s 2 AG buddies took some brief action. Stewart also suggested that all AGs across America would be piling on HLF. Of course it was not true and never happened. Only Ackman’s friends took action on HLF and even they abandoned shortly thereafter. Even the image he uses on Seeking Alpha is fake. He ripped it off another account.

About the same time, Stewart got into a internet argument with Lenny Clements. Stewart shouted, “I will debate you anytime, anywhere.” Clements accepted. But what happened to Stewart? Chicken Little completely disappeared.

Over the years we have seen many FAKE stories by Stewart with his insane predictions as to what may happen to Herbalife. His headlines read like the headings of the old Batman TV series;

What if.

What will

Will this…

A lot of crap with no substance. So today Matt is back with another FAKE Story on Seeking Alpha.  Pay no heed to Matt. Do a google search on him. For someone who claims to be a well known, successful financial advisor,  he seems to be very unknown and no doubt not very successful

Here are parts of other articles that I have written in the past exposing lies from Matt and others (or is that other aliases???) ackman the worst of wall street


-Here is another update on a prior article that I wrote back in August. Once again, pay close attention to the dates and notice how the vents which I predicted came out exactly correct while the nonsense Ackman and his shills inaccurately predicted was as usual 1000% bullsh’t.

From August 28, 2016……………

Perhaps this article that I wrote several days ago irritated Ackman to the point where he came out Friday morning with more crap about Carl Icahn selling his shares of  Herbalife. Once again, this is a blatant lie by Ackman and a desperate attempt to try to save his HLF short POS which is on life support, barely surviving.  Ackman’s lies did set off a selling spree on Herbalife untill mid Friday afternoon.  


However, Carl Icahn came out with his own response to Ackman’s false statements sending HLF shares soaring in AH trading.

Carl Icahn’s statement:



If this were a game of chess, now would  be the time when you call checkmate on Ackman. Game won by Carl Icahn.  

I saw  the stories earlier today that Icahn was supposedly selling shares of HLF. And I was dumbfounded that the market reacted so negatively to this and started to selloff shares before Benzinga came out with the facts.

How many times does Billy boy Ackman and/or his assigns have to cry wolf before people will realize that this is all b.s.??? Did it not occur to anyone that if in fact Icahn was indeed selling he would have reported it himself?  Do you think he would want a 3rd party to report this if it were true? Of course not.


By the way, this article came out on Sunday regarding Ackman selling shares of stock in his portfolio to offset huge losses this year. And then the fake story of Icahn came out on Wednesday. How convenient! Connect the dots. Easy to see who is responsible.


This is what Benzinga reported several hours after the misinformation that Icahn was selling:

Herbalife Ltd. HLF 3.48% shares spiked higher Wednesday after theBenzinga Pro newswire reported that Carl Icahn is not selling his stake in the company, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Shares of Herbalife were trading down roughly 2 percent Wednesday after rumors surfaced that Carl Icahn may be selling his stake in the company. According to his most recent filing, Icahn is the largest shareholder of the stock with 17 millions shares valued at almost $1 billion

And they continued……


The stock dropped quickly out of the gates this morning on chatter Carl Icahn might be parting with his 17M share stake in the company.

It later bounced as Benzinga reported its sources as saying Icahn isn’t selling, andCharlie Gasparino reported Herbalife (NYSE:HLF) officials as confirming the same thing.

Herbalife’s board one month ago gave Icahn the right to buy up to 34.99% of the company (up from the previous limit of 25%).

Shares nevertheless remain near session lows, down 2.55%.


Also interesting is that even though the FTC clearly and emphatically stated that Herbalife is NOT a pyramid scheme, Ackman and  his lunatic followers continue to say otherwise.

Here is the story, the real story.


I don’t know who started this incredulous rumor about Icahn selling shares, although I think it is obvious who it was,  but want to say thank you. I saw Wednesdays selloff as a buying opportunity and added to my position. No doubt the culprit who started the lie bought puts and make some bucks on that. If I were Michael O. Johnson, I would contact the SEC and suggest an investigation to look for large put purchases on Tuesday or even Monday or earlier. Then procede with legal action. Some people, inexperienced investors lost $$$$ and may have gotten spooked.  This is blatant market manipulation much like what Ackman has been doing and especially what he did back in December 2012.  I’d be willing to  bet that the trail leads right back to Ackman. Who else would perpetrate such and incredible hoax?

I continue to be long on HLF and see HUGE upside potential amid brief ups and downs as we saw yesterday.

Investors who are perceptive enough to see it, get ready for the next big ride UP for Herbalife.

First of all for the real dope on Bill Ackman, 


*FTC settlement started with their inquiry over 2 years ago. Changes factored in

* FTC inquiry came solely as a result of Sen Markey. Don’t expect other countries to follow USA. Sen Markey has no juridiction internationally.

*Fidelity sells shares of HLF in June, HLF shares jumped. This is bullish.

Still a lot of melarkey  going on around Herbalife possibly and probably because of Sen. Markey’s involvement in this case. By now everyone knows or should know that Sen. Markey is good buddies with Ackman and took major contributions from Ackman in the past. Markey was allegedly compensated for his efforts to get the FTC to investigate Herbalife.

Some people expect international countries to follow the FTC’s example. Aren’t these people forgetting that Belgium already tried that and ruled in favor of Herbalife? And Sen. Markey has no jurisdiction internationally and Ackman is not likely to find any “friends” to back him in attacking Herbalife internationally especially considering the major win for Herbalife with the recent FTC decision.

Sen Markey good friends with Ackman. It was only through Markey that the ridiculous and senseless FTC investigation was created. Look who else Markey is friends with, a fmr POTUS who was impeached, left the white house n disgrace while stealing over $260,000 of white house belongings with his wife. 

sen ed markey with slick willy

Speaking of Ackman’s “friends” where are those two AGs who briefly attacked Herbalife over 2 years ago? They obviously made the same decision that Connie Chung and 20/20 made and realized that Ackman is a bozo with many self created theories and no real facts.

Something else that the Ackman shills always forget to mention is that Herbalife under went changes over 2 years ago when the FTC investigation started. Herbalife has adapted to the changes, continued to grow and earnings are showing that. Check the earnings since spring of 2014. Ackman shills hope you won’t figure this out.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, Herbalife was viciously attacked way back in 1985 and had to undergo major changes. Herbalife was hit hard and many thought the company would fold. I was one of them. As an outsider at that time, I saw their informercials on USA network, saw all of the buttons and bumper stickers and thought of these guys as a cross between a cult and a money making scheme.

Despite memo’s,  presentations and appearances on TV with attempted bravado and boldness, Ackman is holding on to his reckless HLF short play by his fingernails.


Herbalife was attacked by the FTC, the FDA, AGs across the country. Not a pretty pictures. Their were senate sub committee hearings and Herbalife had to make enormous changes, far more than what they are making now. And what was the result?

The result is what mattered. Herbalife sales dipped to $10 million in 1986 then jumped to $100 million by 1992, then $400 million in 1996. then $1 billion, $3 billion and finally $7.8 billion.

And that was the old Herbalife. The new model is much better. Michael O. Johnson is a much better CEO than Mark Hughes, BUT…..God Bless Markee for starting Herbalife. HLF longs love him as much as the Herbalife reps and customers do.

Michael O. Johnson has taken Herbalife to levels that I am sure even Mark Hughes never would have dreamed of.  

michael o johnson leader

There is still garbage being written on blogs and especially on SA that are not even close to being truthful. Not only are the projections pollyannish, the information is all wrong. As noted above, the rulings of the FTC have already been enacted starting over 2 years ago.  Although the FTC decision was over a month ago, the changes started over 2 1/2 years ago.

Another interesting concern is that Fidelity sold off some of their shares. So what? This was back in June. Checked the charts. HLF SOARED afterwards. Of course the Ackmanaholics want us all to believe that Fidelity just sold and expect major repercussions.

We heard the same nonsense when Soros sold off last year. Did that hurt HLF? Nope.

Regarding the garbage on SA, they only have about 100 active people on the Herbalife thread. One person writes a stupid, one sided story and then creates about 3 dozen aliases and talks to himself. It’s too funny. I don’t know of any real HLF longs or sensible investors who even go over there and read that junk. It is literally junk food for the investors brain.

Despite the phony smile, Ackman has very little to be happy about, especially with his HLF short. 


Happy to see all of the Herbalife buttons, bumper stickers and signs all over as well as flyers and invites to nutrition clubs. I know Ackman and his scatter brained followers will never figure out how Herbalife promotes their clubs without out side signs and traditional advertising, and we are not telling either. Only thing I will say is it works.

Disclosure: I have been long HLF since 2007 and plan on continuing to stay long. There is much upside to this stock. My wife and I have been using Herbalife products since 2011 and seen remarkable results. In 2014, we became a Herbalife members. 

Icahn vs Ackman. Is it Batman vs Superman or Superhero vs villian?

A new story on Seeking Alpha, the media that is more fake than Pro Wrestling bills Icahn vs Ackman as Batman Vs Superman. Hardly that at all. Who in their right mind would ever compare Ackman to a Superhero? Only one person comes to mind and his opinion really doesn’t matter.

Pro Wrestling is almost as fake as the stories on seeking alpha. 



Batman VS Superman? One thing we all know for sure is that Ackman is neither. Maybe he could be the Joker. Or the Riddler. Or Lex Luthor.  While Icahn is the “Master of the Universe” with an unparralled investing performance, Ackman’s returns leaves much to be desired. Yes he is a billionaire, so  are many other investors. BUT…How many other investors make collossal mistakes that leads to such huge losses like a $4 billion loss on VRX as Ackman has?  Then throw in a $500 million loss with J.C. Penney then massive losses with TGT, BORDER,  and look at how poorly CMG has been doing since Ackman bought in. And ADP has done nothing but drop  since Ackman announced he in. It’s a fact, everything Ackman touches, turns to dog poop. Except for HLF. That has done nothing but go up since Ackman entered the game, BUT Ackman shorted HLF so once again is on the wrong side of the investment.  He is down reportedly over $700 million on the HLF short POS alone plus another $100 million he spent lobbying.  Those are huge losses even for a billionaire.

Everything Ackman touches turns to dog poop. 




As for Herbalife products, they are priced fairly for the value. It’s all what you get and you get what you pay for. Want cheap products that use cheap ingredients and don’t have anywhere near the nutrient value they claim, buy at your classic OTC store. Want a quality product, with quality ingredients supported by a medical advisory board and scientific research, quality products that delivers on it’s claims. Buy Herbalife.

For example, you can go to a quality italian restaurant and buy quality pizza with quality bread, meats and sauce and pay $6 a slice. Or you can go to one of those places that gives you a whole pie for $5. Is the Italian restaurant over priced? No way. Better quality ingredients and tastes out of this world. The other places that only  charge $5 for a pie? Tastes like cardboard with tomato sauce thrown on top.  Cheap ingredients. Which do you prefer?

It is also very clear that Ackman has lost. In fact Cramer said that over a month ago. How much longer can Ackman stay on life support? That is the real question.

How much longer can Ackman keep his reckless HLF Short POS on life support? Not much longer. MOASS is closer than ever.


Billy Ackman is hanging on to failed HLF play by his fingernails. It is slipping away.



Ackman has lost. It is all over for Ackman. Icahn has won and no surprise.  He is “The Master of the Universe”


Bill Ackman once again proves that he is a souless lowlife. Attacks on Joe Biden’s deceased son.

June 30, 2017


First of all, I am not and never have been a fan of fmr VP Joe Biden and the democrat party.  That said, no one is deserving of having wise cracks made during a solemn moment as we saw happen with VP Joe Biden as he was talking about his deceased son and souless low life Bill Ackman made a wise crack.

There are certain times when you never make wise cracks and comments are not funny. One of those times is when someone is speaking of a deceased family member.  And for reporters to suggest that Ackman was trying to bring in some levity  during a very tender moment is pure hogwash.

If anyone ever doubted that Ackman is a inconsiderate, self serving piece of crap, those doubts should be removed now.

Biden made no attempt to   contain his grief:

‘Look, I don’t know who you are, wiseass, but never disrespect the memory of my dead son’, Biden reportedly tells Ackman – Joe Biden

Biden—still reeling from the death of his 46-year-old son, Beau Biden, who lost a battle with brain cancer two years ago—cited his son’s death as the central reason that he didn’t make a run for the White House in 2016.

According to the reports, Biden grew emotional as he explained his decision to a room of high-profile attendees, concluding with, “I’m sorry. I’ve said enough.” At that moment, Ackman reportedly said “Why? That’s never stopped you before.” He was maybe trying to lend a modicum of levity to an otherwise somber situation. But it didn’t go over well.

Biden called Ackman as a “wiseass.” “Look, I don’t know who you are, wiseass, but never disrespect the memory of my dead son,” Biden reportedly told Ackman.

While his paid shills try to paint the fake image of Ackman being “the good guy” like a knight on a white horse uncovering fraud and fighting evil, if the truth be known, the real evil is Ackman.

In reviewing Bidens statement, I don’t know what I like more, that he stood up to and knocked down the cocky, failing hedge fund manager or said, “I don’t know who you are.” We all know that Ackman is a legend in his own mind and likes to think he is more popular than a rock star.

There is never a good time to make jokes when someone is discussing the death of a loved one. I am not surprised that this came from Ackman. He is lower than a snake.

As soon as I saw there were over 100 comments on the internet thread that this was posted on, I knew 75%-90% of the ones supporting Ackman were Chris Irons aka quoththeraven and his aliases making excuses for Ackman and attacking anyone who dared reveal Ackman for what he really is. The Ackman shill even attacked Joe Biden and his son. Get the picture now on quoththeraven aka Chris IRONS and Billy Ackman??? Does this man or his shill have no shame ? I can imagine Chris Irons on judgement day when Ackman is before the Almighty and is handed his punishment. Irons, upset by such stern decisions and banishment to a place that is extremely hot will not doubt get right in God’s face and  say, “God, you just don’t get it!” LOL. That is my attempt at levity.

Seriously, just when you think Ackman and his shill (s) can’t stoop any lower, they reach newer lows.

Fmr VP Joe Biden, I am not a fan of yours, however, I too have lost a child and feel your pain. Perhaps you can rejoice knowing your son is now out of pain and in eternal peace.

Ackman and his supporters, I am certain, will find themselves in a place of eternal pain, which they deserve. For now,   their actions are showing just how low they really are.

In other news on Ackman………………

Even I have to admit, Billy Ackman certaintly deserves the title, “Modern Day Version of PT Barnum.” Nobody in the investment world puts on a better show than PT Ackman. And he is all show and no go.


For the past 2 1/2 years we have been hearing from Ackman what a great investment he made in Valeant. Great company. Strong team. Great leadership. Great products. ENT! What really happened? Stock continued to fall and the more it fell the more PT Ackman continued to hype it and he even doubled down. He bought more. VRX dropped again. And PT Ackman bought more.

Up untill February, Ackman said he was very bullish on VRX as a stock and Valeant as a company. But. In February he exited with little notice and only after still saying he was bullish earlier that day.

By the way, Ackman took a $4 billion loss on that reckless trade that he was so bullish on and kept trying to persuade (sucker) other investors to come into. Now he is trying to sucker other investors to come in to rescue his reckless HLF short play.

That brings us to Herbalife (HLF) we all know that Ackman loudly and proudly proclaimed that he is so certain that Herbalife (HLF) is going to fall, that he shorted more. WOW! What a guy! What bravado!

But doesn’t this sound all too familiar? How many times does Billy boy have to cry wolf before the suckers pick up on it?

Did we forget the 2014 Ackman informercial titled “Herbalife Death Blow” (hahahahahaha) the day that HLF stock rallied 26% even though Billy boy was telling us it is all over?

Personally, as a HLF long, I am thrilled that Ackman is shorting more. All that means is more profits for we longs when he finally has to cover.  And we all know by now that the short interest on HLF is primarily Ackman. 90% or more. So please Billy boy, increase it some more will you?

Ackman is barely hanging on to his extremely reckless HLF short play




Hey Billy Boy Ackman, here is a challenge for you. If you truly believe as you want the naive shorts and Ackman followers to believe that it is all over for Herbalife, that HLF stock is truly going to zero, why not bet more? Why not take all of your liquid cash and put it all on shorting HLF? Really push that short interest up there.

Right now short interest on HLF is lower than it was in 2013. Why not push it to new record highs Billy boy. Only with your money. Use Pershing Squares assets. I mean whatever assets you have left.  We all now that your assets with Persh Sq have dropped by more than 50%. So what do you have to lose? Put it all on.

And don’t stop there, why not mortgage your home, your vacation home, use your own money too. That is whatever you have left since your 9 figure divorce.

Hey Billy boy, fair challenge. If you truly are as sure as you try to pretend to, up the bet. Show some bravado. Then go on CNBC and spread more bullsh’t. Somebody may believe it.

And then  when HLF goes over $100, we all will be laughing hysterically at you.  I promise you that the longer you hold on to your reckless HLF short bet, the more you will lose. VRX will look like petty cash compared to the losses you will incur by staying short on HLF.

C’mon Billy boy. Bet the house. Show you are a real man. Show us your conviction.

You know, when I created this handle, I never realized how accurate it would be.  You are the king of scam artists.  And anyone who has followed you pre-Herbalife as I have, know full well that you are no investment genius.

ackman the worst of wall street

How Many More Pershing Square investors REDEEMED shares last week???


June 17, 2017

Betting on Zero has officially bombed as we predicted. That was Ackman’s last hope

Fake stories on Seeking Alpha have been on the increase and have also bombed badly.

HLF Bulls still in control.

The real question now is how many Pershing Sq investors are still foolishly hanging on to Pershing Sq funds? So many have lost faith in Ackman. In fact, I really think that Pershing Sq investors, how many still remain, should look to have Bill Ackman removed   and replace him with a fund manager who has better judgement. Ackman obviously does not cut it.


Why are so many Pershing Sq investors still redeeming and so few new investors buying in? Lost faith in Bill Ackman.

An old axiom in the the markets is “Never try to catch a falling knife.” No where is this more accurate than with Pershing Sq in which investment returns have fallen sharply over the last 2 years and still dropping.

In fact, it is now more apparent than ever that Ackman is pulling his hair out trying to save Pershing Sq and attempt to prevent it from becoming Gotham Partners II.

Notice how Ackman is now  going back to 15 year returns. Why? Because over 15 years his funds do show a profit. Big problem though. The investments in those early years 10-15 years ago have burned out. The big question all Pershing Sq investors have now is;

What have you done for us recently Ackman?” 

Answer is Lose $$$$$$.

A new motto is:

Lose Money Now – Ask Ackman How!

And how true.

$4 billion + loss on VRX even though he was so bullish for so long and told bis investors he had carefully resarched the company.

$700 +million loss on HLF short Position with losses growing daily.

Then add in JCP, TARGET, BORDERS, yawn………so many losses. Ackman has bad judgement. No, make that terrible judgement.  My 12 year old does better with his proxy account.

Perhaps Carl Icahn can step in, pound some sense into Ackman and show him how to  get out of this insane, reckless HLF short play before he loses everything. And if Ackman won’t listen to Icahn, perhaps a freind or relative should in, that is if he has any friends and relatives left.

We also now know that Ackman has sold off a lot of his investments. Most of which he was bragging about not long ago which went sour. If in fact Ackman ever did really have any magic, obviously that magic is now gone.

Most feel that Ackman never had any real magic or great strategies, he was just plain lucky. Like the proverbial blindfolded monkey.  He is no Buffet. My 12 yr old gets better returns in his proxy account.

If you have been a investor in Pershing Sq  and mirroring Ackman’s trades, you have seen double digits losses over the last two years just as I and others  predicted back in 2014. I see Pershing Sq as showing another major loss in 2017.

Those of us who have been in the game even prior to the Ackman-Herbalife saga, know very well about Ackman and his many mistakes. Yes he has had a few hits, perhaps one big hit. But so many misses. I honestly don’t know any other hedge fund manager who has been more wrong more often than Ackman.

A week ago, Ackman was bragging about some “Mystery” investment that he invested in and is excited about.  He wouldn’t say what it is which I believe is a red flag suggesting that this is just a smoke screen to try to slow down the massive redemptions he is getting at Pershing Sq.

However, even if Ackman does  have a investment that has grown by 20%, how much   does that affect his fund overall? It may bring it to a 2%-3% return.  I repeat, Ackman’s fund at Pershing Sq has been down double  digits 2 years in a row. So at best, a 3% return in 2017 if that happens will leave Pershing Sq investors and others who follow Ackman’s reckless trades with a 3 year loss of  about-37%. I don’t know of any other hedge  fund or other manager who has done anywhere near this poorly.

AND……….As Herbalife continues on it’s growth mode,  this will eat into Pershing Sq even more. Not to mention Ackman’s  other investments are not performing very well.

Don’t put too much credence into Ackman’s claim that he has some super investment that has grown by 20%. Ackman has a poker face and talks a lot. There is a reason why he has been called “A modern day version of PT Barnum” It is all show and drama. Look at his track record. Yuck!

Ackman also maintains a bearish attitude towards Herbalife no matter how wrong he always turns out to be.  I am certain that he will maintain a long term short position on HLF even when it takes Pershing Square to 0 and becomes Gotham Partners II.

Pershing Sq had nearly $20 billion in assets a year ago. Now it is down under $10 billion and declining fast. More and more Pershing Sq investors are redeeming daily. And few new investors are buying into this horrible fund and for good reason. It is expensive, has nose bleed fees and commission and has a horrible, absolutely horrible return. Most of all, look who manages it. Not an enviable record. And who wants to pay so much to lose $$$? You don’t need Ackman for this.  In fact, novice investors would do much better to invest on their own and generally massively outperform Ackman. My 12 yr old son does better with his proxy account.

Carl Icahn gave Ackman some good advice months ago……..

Carl Icahn, despite the negative attacks against him from smaller billionaire with a rapidly declining net worth Billy Ackman, tried to give Billy boy some good advice months ago.  He said that Ackman had gotten too emotional over the HLF short play and was trying to win a bet against Herbalife that was impossible He said that Ackman had “lost perspective” and indeed he has. And now obviously Pershing Sq is paying for Ackmans ineptness.

We all know that Ackman was responsible for taking Gotham Partners down. The once hedge fund office is now a dress factory. Ackman takes miscalculated risks and loses way too often.  And he loses B-I-G Hence, so many of his Pershing Sq investors are redeeming shares and washing their hands of Ackman. Who can blame them?

Just a few months ago, Pershing Sq took a huge hit at the expence of Ackmans foolishness and bad investment judgement with a $4 billion+ loss on VRX. And all this time Ackman was telling his sheep to hold on. He had carefully researched this company. The stock would bounce back.  Or so he said. Ackman doubled down by buying more shares as the stock dipped incurring even more losses. Finally selling when $VRX hit $10 for once again a $4 BILLION +LOSS. Ouch! Bad move. Bad judgement.  But it wasn’t his first and won’t be his last.

But does Ackman really know what he is doing in investments? Doesn’t look like it.

Do you remember when VRX used to trade @ $33.51 just a few months ago and Ackman was still so bullish on it? Ackman bought VRX at $270 and rode it all the way down to $10 before finally selling.  Does this sound like good judgement to you?


For more on this wacko, go to this website……….


Today,  Herbalife (HLF) is up again. Make that three days in row. Ackman and his shills are wrong again. I don’t care if they hold on to their reckless short HLF positions. Hey, it’s their money not mine. I bet their phones are ringing from brokers with Margin Calls. 

In other news, TESLA is also up today. Didn’t Seeking Alpha with their FAKE NEWS STORIES  tell us to sell that last week? And what did I say? Hold on right? So once again, irregardless of Herbalife and HLF stock, who is right and who is wrong as usual,  the FAKE NEWS on Seeking Alpha which is why we call it FAKE NEWS!. qtr research needs to move out of Chris Irons bedroom, out of stock market speculation and  Chris Irons needs to move into something else, like maybe mowing grass? Perhaps he can do that without screwing up.


December, 2012 will go down as the worst time in Bill Ackmans life and will indelibly be etched in time as the time when Bill Ackman made the worst mistake of  his life—–Lying about Herbalife.

Every investor/trader shorts stocks from time to time. Nothing wrong with that.  Typically, savvy, sophisticated, educated and successful traders will research the companies and   stocks before shorting them, they will use technical analysis and other tools to determine whether a stock is ripe for shorting. Heretofore, no one has ever shorted a stock that successfully beat earnings 22 quarters in a row,  with a company that was and still is in a huge growth mode and used old, outmoded and debunked crap to create short position and then call it “A illegal PYRAMID SCHEME and their stock is headed to Zero” as Billy boy Ackman did to Herbalife at that now infamous informercial he mislabeled a presentation back in December 2012.

Billy boy Ackman is not what he claims to be. He has been apropiately named “The Worst of Wall Street”  Just ask anyone who follows his trades or anyone of the many who have redeemed shares and walked away from Pershing Sq. because of Ackman’s very bad investment decisions. 


ackman the worst of wall street

*FACT-Ackman’s thesis was all wrong and still is. Where is Sean Dineen these days????

*FACT-Pershing Sq was having a bad year in 2012 and Ackman need to work some magic   so squew the numbers. So why not go after Herbalife? So he thought.

*FACT-Ackman did open a huge $1 billion plus short POS on HLF and allegedly bought December, 2012 puts.

*FACT-The Sohn Conference Informercial was conducted just days before options expiration

*FACT-Ackman would not allow anyone from Herbalife to be in attendance at this Sohn Conference Informercial to offer a point/counter point discussion. What was Ackman afraid of? Obviously the truth and he wanted nothing to ruin the big gains he was expecting from those puts and short POS before the end of December to sugar coat prospectuses to lure in more victims into his Pershing Sq fund scheme(Or is that Perishing??)

Ackman sure created an incredible Fairytale with his FAKE NEWS story on Herbalife and he continues with that FAKE NEWS story to this day. Big problem though: Ackman has been taking a licking on this insane, crazy, reckless, winless HLF short bet.

Despite the hype and drama, bringing in his buddies which included 2 AGs and a US senator, numerous appearances on CNBC, conferences and memos, blogs etc. after nearly 5 years Ackman is deeper in the  hole with his HLF short than ever before and barely hanging on by his fingernails


To date Ackman has lost an estimated $7 million on this HLF short bet. To make any profit on this at all, HLF has to drop to $30. To make a huge profit, it has to drop to under $20. After the Sohn Conference Informercial, HLF did drop as low as $24 but rallied back up. And then when Carl Icahn came on the scene, it really rallied and went as high as $84 in January 2014.

Through it all, Ackman has been appearing on CNBC, sending out memos, apearing all over, frantically trying to find someone who will pretend to be a Herbalife “victim” still says “Herbalife is a pyramid scheme and the stock is going to zero” and everytime he says that, HLF goes higher, higher and higher. While HERBALIFE continues to grow constantly adding more and more and more preferred customers and distributors.

Ackman would be better off trying to shovel sand off of a beach. Same result!

Clearly Ackmans fairytale, and that is all it ever was has turned into a nightmare for this failing billionaire. More and more Pershing Sq investors are redeeming shares, fewer new accounts are being opened.  Ackman had no earthly clue what he was doing when he started this nor did he care that he as putting tens of thousands of HLF longs at risk,  4.5 million Herbalife distributors, 8,000 Herbalife employees without a job or a business opportunity that they  worked long and hard at and potentially leaving millions of happy customers all over the world without a product. Why? All because of Greed & Ego.

While Ackman bashes Herbalife, authentic billionaires who truly understand network marketing,  business and want to help people succeed, fully support it. 





I value the word of these wise and very successful people over shyster, scammer Billy Boy Ackman. 

Regarding that short bet, Yeah I know Ackman claimed he was going to donate any profits to charity. C’mon.

Who invests $1 billion to short a stock and then passes it on to charity? This was all smoke and mirrors.  His eyes were bleeding green and he was chopping at the lips thinking of the billions he could make if this scam  against Herbalife really worked.  And he would look like a do goody to the uneducated and uninformed.  He would look like the “good guy” when he reality, he is quite the opposite.

Thank God it didn’t work.

Herbalife posted first quarter earnings on Thursday that were a blowout substantially exceeding analysts expectations and putting to rest the concerns that the FTC determination would seriously impact Herbalife going forward.

AS many of us have been stating for some time, there would be no serious impact. Herbalife has always been focused on retail sales along with recruiting. Sure there were some shysters who did not follow company guidelines and broke FTC rules by front end loading and selling worthless tools like stale leads, web sites and trying to create telemarketing heroes out of people with no previous sales experience and offered very little if any valuable assistance. Once reported, these people were terminated and actually went with other companies.

A walk down memory lane

Interesting is that when these violaters were reported  and terminated by Herbalife, the Ackman shills were all over the old Yahoo message boards as well as other personal blogs, websites stating “Top leaders leaving Herbalife” This started back in December 2012. They never mentioned that these “Top Leaders” were terminated by Herbalife. Surprised? I wasn’t

The same garbage, not surprisingly started to appear in the Seeking Alpha Fake stories.  Back then, there were as many as 5 anti-HLF “stories” appearing daily in SA. I challenged the authors to  retract their comments and indicate that these “top reps” were actually terminated. Of course they never did. It would take away from their drama and lies. Eventually though the truth came out. Especially when Carl Icahn came on the scene in January 2013.

It should be noted that these anti-HLF people (probably one person with a bunch of aliases) were predicting HLF would hit zero by March, 2013. Hello. It is May, 2017. And we are a long way from zero.

They also constantly reiterated Ackman’s insane line and made it their own:

“HLF is going to 0 and I have a strong sell on it.”

Oh really? What qualifies him to set a target price or a rating on it? Answer: Nothing!

Chris Irons aka Birdbrain quoththeraven


The big mouth in all of this tried to make it appear as though he was a big roller. Some big time analyst or celebrity. Using an alias, he even tried to suggest he was Hugh Heffner! LOL!  In fact, by his own admission he later, about 2 years later with help from Herbie admitted he was in fact “just a little guy” Yes indeed but he never revealed just how little. That was a few years ago.  Now he is trying to play the “big roller” role again and wants some people to think he really knows something. Clue: He doesn’t

Of course I am referring to Chris Irons aka quoththeraven.  I know you already knew it.  And as a another walk down memory lane, who was it that revealed his real first name was Chris and was about to reveal his whole name until he did it himself, embarrassed by my letting the cat out of the bag? Of course, I was the one. And keep in mind, prior to all of this, Chris Irons aka quoththeraven tried to convince everyone that he would never, never, never,never, ever release him real name because he was getting so much hate mail and death threats. LOL—–The drama continued. So much bull. But once I let people know that I was about to reveal his real name, the so called “Hate mail” and Deaththreats” were no longer an issue.

Chris Irons challenges John Hempton to a debate. Really Chris????

Almost too funny, I got a memo from someone who still subscribes to Chris Irons aka quoththeravens twitter feed that he wants to challenge John  Hempton, anytime, anywhere. While I can’t speak for John Hempton, I would love to see this happen. Is there any doubt that John Hempton would mop the floor with qtr??? Have you ever read any of quoththeravens (Chris Irons) stuff? He is not a very good communicator. Communication is not his forte at all. And he is never accurate. Hempton is. And Hempton understands investing. Chris Irons does not. He is always so wrong. My $$$$ are on Hempton, that is if Chris Irons actually accepts. But rest easy, he won’t. Just more of the drama.

I also received several messages from people sending me tweets that quoththeraven posted on his quoththeraven twitter page. I’ve been blocked and thankful for that just as I am continually deleting all of quoththeravens fake aliases from my twitter account. Interesting that this guy is so obsessed with following me.

Apparently on Thursday and Friday Irons came out like a raving lunatic. He couldn’t believe the earnings results nor how the street reacted and HLF soared. Was like Ackman’s ill fated “Herbalife death blow” in July 2014 (hahahahahaha) Some deathbow. Ackman looked like the fool he is as did Irons and whatever other followers Ackman has and HLF shorts. They were in shock. No response for about a week. Then Irons tried to spin it as he always does and the market laughed as they always do.

And BTW, 3 years ago Matt Stewart who many people think is just another alias for Chris Irons challenged Lenny Clements to a debate. Lenny accepted. But where was Matt?!!!!!! Lenny is a recognized authority on MLM. Stewart? He has an opinion and an agenda and is always wrong.

Matt also suggested that the Michigan AG and then all AGs across America would “pile on” Herbalife after two of Ackman’s buddies, both AGs initated action.  That died very quickly and no other AGs did anything.

Paper Tiger Matt Stewart aka “The Chicken”

Chris Irons aka quoththeravens reaction to HLF earnings and market on Thursday nite and Friday. 

quoththeraven after amargin call

Getting back to last Thursday, in Chris Irons world, earnings were bad. The sky was falling for Herbalife. Vindication for Ackman. Billy boy was right, yada, yada, yada. Funny the street didn’t see it that way as HLF SOARED in AH trading and continued to run up on Friday.  Chris Irons aka quoththeraven is obviously living in his own fantasy world and no doubt he thinks the rest of the world is oblivious to the truth and we, as he puts it so often, “just don’t get it” LOL!!!!!!!!

Moving on to 2nd quarter earnings

All we heard from the Anti-HLF’ers since HLF’s 4th qtr earnings was that the FTC decision would show up in Q1 earnings. Well we just had them, Herbalife did extremely well and predictably, the new argument from the Herbalife bashers is that it will show up in 2nd qtr earnings. In case these guys missed it, Herbalife had a strong outlook for 2017 and spring is always a good time for Herbalife sales. People want to lose weight for summer beachtime and warm weather season.  Not to mention their diversified product line of wellness, skin care and sports  supplements. Look for 2nd qtr earnings to also exceed.

And of course when Herbalife exceeds earnings in Q2, then the bashers will say wait until Q3, Q4, (yawn)

Some people suggest that there is a final test coming to see which side is  right, Ackman or Herbalife. Look at the last 4 1/2 years and look at 1st qtr earnings for 2017. Look at the reaction from the markets. I think it is obvious which side is right and pardon my grammar, but it ain’t Ackman. It is over for Ackman.

Carl Icahn has tightened his grip on Billy boy. Choking the life out of him. And Icahn is expected to be building on his position.  Good bye Billy.  You’re just a crybaby in the school yard. Always were, always will be.


Then some say that the bulls are winning for now.  For now????  The bulls have been winning this since January 2013!!!!!!!!!!

Some keep bringing out the FTC fine from last June. “That Herbalife paid a $200 million fine in July to end the FTC’s investigation into whether the multi-level marketer of diet shakes was a pyramid scheme, as Ackman had accused.”  Or that is how they say it.

Herbalife DID NOT pay the fine to end the FTCs investigation. FTC does not negotiate with companies that break the law. It was certain Herbalife distributors who broke the law and thus Herbalife ended up paying a fine for their improper actions. As already mentioned above, these distributors were terminated by Herbalife and their actions were never condoned by Herbalife and clearly against Herbalife policy.  And most of that fine went back to Herbalife via fmr Herbalife distributors who returned to the company at the end of qtr 4 and beginning of q1 and used that money to buy more Herbalife products. Where were the co called “Herbalife victims” Only in Ackmans imagination.

In fact, Herbalife agreed to distinguish between distributors who sell the product and preferred members who merely want to use the products. Ackman, who knows little or nothing about network marketing or even how to pick stocks as evidenced by his huge losses on HLF short not to mention VRX recently and JCP, BORDERS, TARGET etc.  scoffed at this idea and still claims that he sees HLF going to zero. But of course he does. His reputation is at stake and he has already lost approximately $700 million on this very reckless and poorly research HLF short play. And by the way, didn’t he also say he was bullish on VRX right up until he pulled the plug and sold it AT A $4 BILLION LOSS??? Ackman’s word is not his bond. His word is meaningless. He will say he is staying with his HLF short POS and then pull the plg and cover seconds later.

Herbalife reported 18,652 new members in North America in the first quarter, that number does not include the preferred members, a contingent that is several times larger than the distributors who actually sell the product to others. (Since Herbalife began separating these two categories in mid-January, 80% of new U.S. recruits signed up as preferred members, the company said.)

Previously, the Herbalife bashers claim was that Herbalife did not have any customers. Now Herbalife is proving they do. And now the Ackmanaholics Herbalife bashers look at this as bad news for Herbalife??????????? I don’t think so. It proves what Herbalife has been saying all along. That there are real customers. And I am certain that is the way the street saw it too based on the huge rally on Thursday AH and on Friday.

The total combined number of new U.S. distributors and preferred members is just slightly below what it was last year: In the first quarter of 2016, Herbalife disclosed 83,276 new North American recruits, of which about 80,200 were in the U.S. This year, the number was 78,900 for the same period, a decline of 1.7%, according to the company.

But, take into consideration the constant attacks by Ackman and his shills. Contrary to what Ackman and his shills say, this has leaked out to the general public and has affected Herbalife to some degree. Mainstreet is very much aware of this and not because of that Ackman informercial mislabeled a documentary.  However, in spite of Ackman’s unsubstantiated remarks, Herbalife still continued to grow massively outpacing other network marketing-MLM companies in North America.

And of course, you have to take into account the current state of the economy and that USA had a presidential election in 2016. These things always create turmoil in the the markets.  ALL told, Herbalife’s numbers were very impressive if not extraordinary.

Even before the quarter ended, there were signs that Ackman and other Herbalife detractors had underestimated the number of consumers amid the company’s distributor ranks. This is nothing new. In 2012, Ackman also underestimated and misjudged when herbalife reps would renew. It was a huge miscalulation.

When the FTC sent settlement checks earlier this year to supposed Herbalife “victims” who had supposedly never made any money as distributors, many of those who are now preferred members received them. Fans of the diet and nutrition products who never intended to resell them, some of those people said they planned to spend the settlement money on more Herbalife shakes and protein bars. Put another way, that FTC fine is being redirected  back to Herbalife and Herbalife did not pay a fine to end the FTC investigation. The FTC does not operate that way. If Herbalife was guilty of any wrong doing, they would have been shut down. They weren’t. Case closed. Except in the minds of Ackman and his nutty follower(s)

Some will remember that Herbalife faced a major challenge back in 1985. Prior to the media attack then, Herbalife’s sales were over $512 million annually and were up to over $90 million a month in January, 1985. After the media attack, Herbalife sales dropped all the way down to only $10 million annually.  This occurred in the 1980s. We all know Herbalife came roaring back. Also, I think that challenge was far more potent that what little weenie Ackman has offered. Herbalife is very resilent and has always proved that they are following the laws. Legal and ethical.

The FTC was yanked into this by Ackman via his buddy Sen. Markey.  What was the result? Ackman lost again and we haven’t heard from Sen. Markey. I wonder if he is still close friends with ACKMAN after this embarrassment???? And how about those two AGs who were such good buddies with Billy boy, where are they? Also been very quiet.

Sen. Markey may be eating ice cream cones, but he has had very little to do with his (former??) good buddy Billy boy Ackman

sen ed markey

As already mentioned, that FTC settlement to so called Herbalife “victims” has brought more former distributors and preferred members back to Herbalife and they are using that money to buy more Herbalife products.  So the settlement is actually being redirected back to Herbalife. Interesting. Or at least much of it.

Also, Herbalife as we all know has their WinBack program in place which has been very successful bringing back more former distributors and preferred members. And of course  Herbalife reps are hard at work building their businesses. I see the button “Lose Weight Now – Ask Me How” everywhere and Herbalife reps inviting people to their nutrition clubs. Speaking of which, I love the nutrition clubs. They are very powerful.

Another thing, spring is always the best time of the year for Herbalife as people are focusing on losing weight for summer and warm weather season. Expect sales to SOAR. And there are ads all over for Herbalife. Not to mention that Herblaife’s product line goes beyond just weight loss to sports supplements, wellness products, skin care and more.  All of these things are positives and I expect Herbalife to have a OUTSTANDING 2nd quarter.

The squeeze on Ackman tightened up considerably last Thursday. Expect to get even tighter.  MOASS is here.


I also enjoy playing with quoththeraven aka Chris Irons, Ackman, his braindead shills and the stupid and ignorant HLF shorts.  Every single time they open their mouths via the internet with outrageus, ridiculous “what ifs”  and “maybes” Doom & Gloom predictions, yet they are always wrong and I am always right. I look forward to doing it again next quarter and watching them be oh sooo wrong yet again. My guess is that Ackman will be gone by then. But this guy will continue. I guess he really needs that $35 an article and a penny per click from the garbage he writes on SA.

Hey Chris, so there is no hard feelings, I have  some friends in Philly who may be able to help you. They are looking for a gardener and someone to mow their lawn. Probably will pay better than writing garbage on Seeking alpha and more ethical than promoting Pump & Dump pennystock junk. Of course, this is assuming you really do live in Philly and are fit enough to    run a lawn mower and do  garndening work.  Do you really live in Philly? Perhaps that is total bull too.

Ackmanaholics and shills are really funny.  No matter  how many times they are wrong, which is everytime, they still maintain they are right and think they can manipulate t he market with their b.s.  It never works! They are like the guy who hits himself on the head with a hammer. He should only have to do that one time to realize, “Ouch, that hurts.”

Image result for image of a man hitting himself on the head with a hammer

Herbalife had great earnings as I and so many other experienced investors indicated long before earnings was announced. I made it obvious that I was long a week before and was expecting great earnings. I increased my POS on HLF, bought calls, sold puts and bought more shares. And do you know how many companies would love to have the numbers that Herbalife produced on Thursday? Do you know how many MLM companies would love to acquire 83,276 new distributors just in North America in 1 yr and without the noise and distraction of that lunatic Ackman???

Clearly, what Herbalife did on Thursday was nothing short of mind boggling.

BTW, here are some of my other holdings. Obviously, I can’t put an image of my account on here.  I know how to invest successfully. Unlike Ackman and Chris Irons. BTW, did you know that even though Chris Irons along with his idol Ackman, makes wise cracks about Herbalife reps, calls them “get rich quick money hungry scam artists” Do you know how he makes his living? He is a PUMPnDUMP pennsystock promoter.

And interesting too, in another tweet that I received made by Chris Irons aka quoththeraven, he indicates he wants the name calling stopped but then proceeds to name call Michael O. Johnson and new Herbalife CEO. Well, well. Those of us who ever read his stuff have come to expect this.  No surprise.

Hey Chris, my friends in Philly really are looking for someone to mow their grass and be their gardener. At least this would allow you to make an honest living, for a change.  And no doubt more $$$ than what you make now. IF you are healthy enough to do it that is.stock-photo-cute-man-mowing-lawn-in-the-backyard-of-his-house-191098076

chart (3)

chartchart (2)

Ackman shills stooping to lower lows. More lies and deception. More Fake Stories on Seeking Alpha today.

I have been saying for sometime now that Ackman is ready to break. He will be covering on his reckless HLF short play. He is taking a beating and it is only a matter of time.

The recent unwarranted and unsubstantiated attacks on Herbalife bare this out.  Ackman is so close to going down. Nothing is working for him. So now he has D- level authors writing crap trying to help him out and posting nonsense.

Just this past weekend I had an exchange with one of them, no doubt Chris Irons aka quoththeraven using yet another phony alias trying to make a case for ‘Betting on Zero’ It bombed badly. No doubt about it. Yet he is still trying to hype it. My questions to this guy was and he never answered was, “PROVE IT! Let’s see the gate receipts when it used to be playing in theaters and let’s get some stats on how many people actually saw it.” What do you think his response was? Beep, beep, beep, beep. Nada.

Now today there was another FAKE STORY on Seeking alpha suggesting that Herbalife as a whole was trying to cheat with some new gimmick: “Recent evidence shows HLF is using informal channels to hit previous non-financial disclosures.”

If anything this shows one rep possibly doing this. Not the whole company.  And if true, when Herbalife finds out, this rep will be terminated for sure.

This happened a few years ago. Remember Shawn Dahl, Anthony Powell and others who were doing illegal things? Where are they now? They were either terminated or resigned before being terminated.

I wrote an article several years ago suggesting that Herbalife and the FTC should take action on these guys. They not only violated Herbalife rules as per the Herbalife manual, even more seriously, they violated FTC laws.

But what was the reaction? People slammed me saying, “FTC should not go after Herbalife reps, only Herbalife.” Read that a couple of times and tell me what you get out of it. Nuff said.

Herbalife has proven they have customers.  That is no longer debatable. But the Ackmanaholics continue to regurgitate this nonsense.  Just like they have been regurgitiating  Shane Dineen’s  inaccurate thesis prepared for and pumped by Ackman for the last almost 5 years now.


Also interesting reports on this shameless, worthless piece of garbage fake story on Seeking Alpha today, it is claimed that the ingredients in Herbalife shakes are the same as Slim Fast??? LOL!!!!!! You’ve got to be kidding me!!!!! Like I said in the title, Ackman shills are stooping to new lows and proving they know absolutely nothing.

They also claim that Herbalife shake sells for $59?? Another huge error. But no surprise. These are the same guys who called Diet Soda a “health food”???? LOL!!!!!

So while the Ackmanaholics are going back to being relentless with their lies lies and misconceptions, they forget they tried this in 2013 too and what was the result? HLF stock soared to a 147% gain that year.  Bring it on little boys. But what else would you expect from a pennsystock pump & dumper who makes less than $3.50 an hour and is getting his butt kicked. He would be better off getting a job mowing lawns for the summer. Would make more money and would be an honest living. That would be a first for him



Meanwhile in the real world, Herbalife (HLF) gets an upgrade:


I’ll say it again. It’s over for Ackman. He has lost. He can fight all he wants. He is just like a fish in a bucket of water. Squirming, wiggling and waggling but none the less, the fish is caught. It’s all over. As it is for Ackman.

2017 will be Ackmans worst year ever and his investments flop. And as more and more investors redeem shares. Once $20 billion in assets, now under $10 billion (could be much less)

Speaking of which, many of us really think that the SEC needs to look into Ackman and Pershing Sq. Check out their high entry cost, fees, inflated commissions and back end fees.  Obviously Ackman is NOT making money off of profitable investments, guess where he is making his money? SEC are you tuned in to this???