Mueller MUST BE FIRED. So incompetent and biased. Botched too many investigations in the past. Fire Mueller.

Senator Rand Paul hit the nail on the head. Robert Mueller never should have been hired for this, he has too much power and too much bad judgement. Look at how many investigations Mueller has botched in the past.

With all due respect to Sean Hannity, Herman Caine and other republicans who insist that Trump should not fire Mueller, I still insist that Mueller MUST be fired. The repercussions of keeping Meuller far outweigh firing Mueller  keeping the jerk.  If one bad apple spoils the barrel, what does one BIG rotten apple do in concert with a bunch of more bad apples (democrats) ???


How do you kill a snake? Cut off it’s head right? Mueller is a snake. Getting rid of the corrupt Mueller will help America, not hurt it.

Muellers Bias questioned. Liberals provide no evidence to prove that Muellers team is not stacked with Donkeys wearing “I’m With Her” shirts and hats. Mueller BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mueller Has Botched Many Other Investigations.  He is no cracker jack investigator. In fact, quite the opposite.

Russia-Trump was not Mueller’s first Botched investigation either.  By now, everyone, even the Mueller-aholics, left wing libtards, never Trumpers etc. should realize that Trump-Russia was a hoax.

Remember the botched Anthrax investigation run by Mueller??


Mueller’s Team Bias Question Raised. “It’s like a lynch mob to hang Trump”

Is it time to fire and replace FBI officials???????

Mueller was appointed too early in Russia investigation


Comey and Mueller botched investigation. Hmmm. Do we see a pattern here?


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Everyone knows the witch hunt created by Robert Mueller over 15 months ago. And everyone knows that after 15 months, Mueller has found NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH! NOTHING to prove any collusion between Trump and Russia.


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It should be obvious by now that this is not about justice, it is about bias and about the attempt to disrupt and possibly even impeach a sitting for President for nothing other than out working the candidate you supported. In this case, it is obvious  that Mueller did not support Trump, but the evil one.

In another lifetime, Mueller may have burned innocent women considered to be witches at the stake. His new nickname should be “witch hunter”

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Chaos around the world. America needs our President focused on important issues like defending our country, keeping the military strong, rebuilding America’s infrastructure which previous administrations let collapse. All this going on and all Mueller cares about is a Witch Hunt.  

Millions of dollars of tax payers money is being wasted on this “witch hunt” as well as an ncredible amount of time  which could be better spent someone else. But does Mueller care? Nope. Why? Because he is part of the swamp.

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With Mueller, it is not about what is right and just, it’s about winning. If there is no incriminating evidence against someone, no matter, Mueller will manufacture it.



Earlier today, Mueller had the FBI raid the offices of Trump’s lawyer. This was highly unjustified and unwarranted. Typically only done to drug lords or perhaps in 1930s when Elliot Ness would raid criminals.  This is never done to law abiding citizens and without approval unless you name is Mueller and the man you seek to take down is Donald Trump.

The Russia – Trump collusion has no traction so now they are moving into a alleged affair between Donald Trump and porn star  Stormy Daniels. Really? Have you ever seen a picture of Stormy Daniels? She is not bad with tons of makeup on, but not even close to being even a 10 choice compared to Melania Trump whom Mr. Trump was with at the time. Melania just deliver a child, Barron Trump shortly before the alleged affair.

Despite all the hype and hoopla, after 15 months of intense investigation, Mueller has found absolutely nothing. There never was a Trump-Russia collusion. But you would never know it by listening to liberals or the MSM FAKE NEWS or Mueller 

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QUESTION: Why would Trump waste his time with highly used porn star when he has something much better at home? Why waste your time with a cheap fast food burger when you have prime rib waiting for you at home?

I can understand why Daniels would want to brag about an affair with Mr. Trump. But why would Mr. Trump take personal and health risks with someone like Storm Daniels?

Then we have Mueller investigating the alleged affair with said porn star and  Trump.  RUSSIA COLLUSION has fallen flat, so now he is digging……….

So why is Mueller still wasting taxpayers $$$ and government officials time with this Witch Hunt??? Here is a clue…..


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FBI Storms Trump’s personal attorney for Stormy Daniels documents

As mentioned above, totally inappropiate, unwarranted and maybe even illegal.

This is not the first time that Mueller has botched investigations or been connected with bad judgment.

Mueller is very thorough and looks everywhere for clues. 


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Mueller botches anthrax investigation……………………..

The left and the MSM FAKE NEWS and even some republicans would have you believe that Mueller is “beyond reproach” and never wrong. Bullsh’t!!!!!!!!!

We can see how he works if we look at how Mueller ran his second-most important investigation as FBI Director. In September of 2001, an entity began mailing anthrax through the US Postal system, hitting such prominent targets as NBC and Senator Daschle’s office. The terrorist attacks killed five and left others hospitalized. The world panicked.


Under Mueller’s management,  (or is that mismanagement) the FBI launched an investigation lasting ten years. They now brag about spending “hundreds of thousands of investigator hours on this case.” Let’s take a closer look at Mueller’s response to understand the context of the investigation — who his people investigated, targeted, and found guilty.


You may ask yourself who did Mueller vote for an support in the 2016 election?? Here is a clue……….


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Mueller issued a statement in October of 2001, while anthrax victims were still dying: the FBI had found “no direct link to organized terrorism.” The Johns Hopkins team of experts was mistaken, the FBI continued, Al Haznawi never had an anthrax infection. The crop-dusting airplanes they needed was possibly for a separate and unrelated anthrax attack.

A few weeks later, the FBI released a remarkable profile of the attacker. FBI experts eschewed analysis of the content of the letters, where it was written in bold block letters, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great.” Instead, they focused on a “linguistic analysis,” stating that the letter’s writer was atypical in many respects and not “comfortable or practiced in writing in lower case lettering.” The FBI therefore concluded that it was likely a disgruntled American with bad personal skills.

The investigators hypothesized that the attacker was a lonely American who had wanted to kill people with anthrax for some undefined time period, but then became “mission oriented” following 9/11 and immediately prepared and mailed the deadly spores while pretending to be a Muslim.

Mueller’s FBI honed in on Steven Hatfill as the culprit — a “flag-waving” American, who had served in the Army, then dedicated himself to protecting America from bioterrorist threats by working in the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

There was no direct link from Hatfill to the attacks, by the FBI’s own admission, and the bureau never charged Hatfill. The FBI did however spy on, follow, and harass him non-stop for years. The Department of Justice also publicly outed Hatfill as the possible terrorist.

While Hatfill’s dignity and life was being trampled on by America’s secret police, Mueller took a stand. But on a different topic.  He made front page news for threatening President Bush he would resignover NSA policy. All while his own team was trampling on the rights of an American in the FBI’s largest-ever investigation.

Mueller ruins a mans life. His reaction?????????????

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Hatfill successfully sued the government for its unlawful actions. He won almost $6 million dollars.

After the Hatfill investigation blew up in the FBI’s face, they moved on to Bruce Ivins, another Army researcher who had actually volunteered to help the FBI investigate this case, and had been doing so for years. It wasn’t until five years after the attack that Mueller’s men decided Ivins was a target.

The FBI case against Ivins, once again, was based on circumstantial evidence.

The prosecution stated Ivins purposefully gave a misleading sample of anthrax spore, but Frontline documented this was not true. Ivins was “familiar” with the area from which the anthrax letters were mailed, the FBI said, but Pulitzer Prize winning ProPublica lays out the accepted facts of the case showing it was impossible for Ivins to make the trip to mail the letters.

Nobody stumbles and bumbles more than Mueller. If they even do a reboot of The Pink Panther, Mueller could play the part. No script or acting needed, All Mueller has to do is play himself.  


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The spores used in the attacks were a similar type to the laboratory spores where Ivins worked, but that ignored the fact that the anthrax letters had a unique additive — so sophisticated and dangerous a scientist commented, “This is not your mother’s anthrax” — that was likely produced by a nation state or Al-Qaeda.

Ivins was never indicted, just given the Hatfill treatment. His house was raided, and he was threatened with a death sentence, or as his lawyer put it, put under “relentless pressure of accusation and innuendo.” He committed suicide.

One week later, U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Taylor stated Ivins was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” and they were “confident that Dr. Ivins was the only person responsible for these attacks.”

Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, one of the intended victims of the anthrax terror attacks, did not believe that Ivins was the sole actor. Mueller ordered an independent audit of the FBI’s case by the National Academy of Sciences, then formally closed the case in 2010, sticking with the conclusion that Ivins, and Ivins alone, committed the terror attack. One year later the NAS released their results and confirmed what many scientists had been repeating for years: the FBI’s science and conclusions were not solid.

A former FBI official involved in the investigation sued the FBI, alleging the FBI concealed evidence exculpatory to Ivins.

Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.


Robert Muellers response for botching the Anthrax investigation:

“I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.

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The investigation was an unmitigated disaster for America. Mueller didn’t go after al-Qaida for the anthrax letters because he couldn’t find a direct link. But then he targeted American citizens without showing a direct link. For his deeds, he had the second longest tenure as FBI Director ever, and was roundly applauded by nearly everyone (except Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert).

Robert Mueller listens while being questioned about botched investigations and the credibility of Russia – Trump “WITCH HUNT” which is nothing but a HOAX.

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While the left wing liberals, the MSM FAKE NEWS and even some republicans try to paint Mueller as the good guy, a hero with an impeccable reputation and “beyond reproach” Others do not agree and many feel that he is a dirty cop.

Mueller just a dirty cop?? Many think so


mueller dirty cop


Mueller’s philosophy is cheat if you must, but by all means win.  If I can’t find any incriminating evidence against someone, I’ll create it. Oh yeah.  What a guy!


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In summary, Mueller is a national disgrace. He has botched numerous investigations in the past.  He is biased and has an agenda which has nothing to do with facts, truth or reality.  He wants to take down a sitting President who is doing an outstanding job, perhaps a better job than all of his predecessors combined for doing absolutely nothing wrong, other than out work, out think his opponent, had a great message, made promises and is perhaps the first POTUS on record to keep his promises.

Mueller is on a witch hunt, without any concrete evidence against Trump. Just doesn’t like him.  When you let your personal issues interfere with our job, it is time to be released from duty.  Clearly, Mueller is not the right person for this. The investigation never should have started. It must stop. And Mueller must be terminated  for failing to perform his duties.

In 2012, I said t he same things about Bill Ackman who took a reckless $1 billion short bet against Herbalife and said there stock was going to zero and the company would collapse. I was very familiar with Ackman pre Herbalife-ACKMAN saga and knew Ackman was a fraud. People/shorts/Ackman shills fought me tooth and nail.  I stayed tight for over  51 1/2 years. Result? Ackman lost his $1 billion bet. Now most people agree that he is a fraud. His investors, about 2/3 of them have bailed from his hedge fund which once had assets of $22 billion. Currently, assets are under $9 billion and dropping daily. BOOM! The bad guy lost.

Once upon a time there was a sleazy lawyer named F. Lee Bailey. He was incredibly successful. Won almost every case. He was so    good that he could convince the innocent that they were guilty! No kidding. He was once one of the wealthiest men in the world. Then it caught up to him.  The shyster lawyer was caught. He was disbarred. Paid fines and judgements. Today he is broke.

Warning to Robert Mueller. There are universal laws that take care of people like you. Some call it Karma. Bill Ackman and F. Lee Bailey are just two examples. There are many more.


And there are 67 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump because they wanted change. They wanted to MAGA. And they know Trump is the man to do it. They also know that all you have going is a witch hunt.  And they don’t want the man we all voted for taken out only because a person like you has personal issues with our POTUS.

It’s your choice Mueller. Don’t underestimate me or 67 million Americans who are Trump supporters and want to see America succeed, not support a insane witch hunt or a over zealous clown like you.

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