We predicted that Ackman’s reckless Herbalife bet would fail and it did. We said HLF stock would go to $100 and it has. Pershing Sq losing more investors. Look for Pershing Sq to fall in 2018


When Billy boy Ackman first announced his reckless and poorly researched HLF Short bet. Called Herbalife a “Pyramid scheme” said he was shorting HLF stock, took a billion $$$ bet on HLF and announced the stock was going to zero, so many of us laughed at him and predicted failure for the ego driven head of Pershing Sq (or is that Perishing Sq??)


We laughed then and we are really in stitches now.  It is almost too funny that this pseudo-ego driven maniac made wild accusations against Herbalife, assured all of his brain dead followers that he knew what he was doing, said he was short Herbalife “til the ends of the earth” Well I guess the ends of the earth came in February when Ackman officially pulled out of Herbalife and closed his nearly worthless Put POS.  And this was after Ackman covered on his HLF short POS north of $75 after shorting @ $35 for a estimated loss of $40 per share and a massive loss for the ego maniac.

As a reminder, for the real dope on the dope Lyin Billy Ackman, go to   www.therealbillackman.com

Billy boy is no investor he is a gambler  and usually loses big $$$$ on very bad plays.  On Herbalife, Ackman not only lost his $1 billion short bet, he also lost over $100 million in lobbying costs.

In January Ackman announced he was laying off over 1/2 of his staff including his driver.  In December 2016,  Mrs. Ackman  divorced him. It seems as though Ackmans whole world has fallen apart since he started this unwarranted attack on Herbalife and so deserving. That is what happens to self serving, liars.

Give Ackman a little credit. He did call Icahn after he pulled out and showed more class than I would have ever given him credit for. But did he call Herbalife? Michael O. Johnson? Rich Goudis? Nope.  Why? Because he is a classless bozo.

Last OCT. Billy bob changed his position and is in puts. He tried that before and they expired worthless. And they were on track to do that  again untill Ackman pulled out several weeks ago.. Just as assuredly as he lost his $1 billion short bet, he did lose on his smaller put bet as well. Remember, this is the same guy who lost $4 BILLION on VRX LAST WINTER. Do you really think he is a great investor? Nope.

And while Herbalife earnings reported on  Thursday were a little disappointing in November, and the stock sold off by about 3%, it came rallying back.  So while the Ackmanaholics were oh so giddy  last November, the same Ackmanaholics were remorseful on Thursday evening and Friday. Nothing new here. These guys don’t know a stock from a rock.

People who follow me will remember that I said that I was going pull bore into HLF buying stock, calls and selling puts. I was laughed at called names but what was the result?


HLF Herbalife Ltd. daily Stock Chart

And I am doing the same thing again. Buying shares, calls and selling puts.  $HLF stock has been artificially held back by the noise from Billy boy Ackman and his naive shills. Not to mention Ackman’s buddies the 2 AGs, the 1 senator who combined were able to get the FBI, the DOJ and the FTC involved. Get a lot of publicity on CNBC and throughout the media. All of that noise is now gone.

It has been predicted that Herbalife sales will run to over $10 billion and $HLF stock is heading to $300 at least. Now is not the time to be short or sit on the sidelines. I advised new investors, beginning investors to stay away from HLF previously and use caution. It was too volatile. Those days are over.

Where is Chris Irons aka quoththeraven, Matt Stewart (if he really is not just an alias for Chris Irons) and all the other seeking alpha authors who were betting on Ackman and so sure that Herbalife was a pyramid scheme? They or he seem awfully quiet.  Much like they were after Ackman’s “Herbalife Death Blow” (hahahahaha) in 2014 or the terrible bomb of “Betting on Zero” (Ackman’s informercial that died so quickly.

The 4-5 stories (FAKE NEWS) ON SEEKING ALPHA that he wrote per day have slimmed down to about 3 so far in 2018. He is still on the internet attracting about 10 people (assuming they are not just his aliases) By now everyone should realize that Chris Irons aka QTR is just so full of crap.

While I am no fan of Billy boy Ackman, give him credit, at least he is or was a  heavyweight. He is a billionaire. Pershing Sq had asset of about $22 billion when Ackman started his failed Herbalife attack, now down to about $8 billion and Ackman is a Harvard graduate.

QTR or real name Chris Irons is just a flyweight. A pennystock PUMPnDUMPER who is totally clueless about real stocks. Ackman went down and now QTR thinks he is going to carry on the insanity and run it on his own (hahahahaha)

Chris Irons, so certain. So sure and so wrong. Just like Ackman.


Ackman assured us again and again that he was holding onto his HLF short bet ’till the ends of the earth’ As far as I know, the end for the earth is not here. The end is over for Ackman though. He is out of Herbalife and out over $1 billion, lost his family and Pershing Sq is falling apart as we speak.

Oh yes,  he had a put position capped to a maximum of 3% of Pershing Squares assets. Pershing Squares assets have dropped from over $20 billion to under $9 billion. So at best, Ackman had a maximum cap of  $3 million, if he maxes out.  That is a long way from  his original bet of $1 billion.  And another $3 million he lost when he closed out in February. We warned him. We warned his shills. But did they listen? After all the big talk, Ackman pulled out. What happened to the Ackman confidence and bravado? Looks like chicken little now. In fact, even chicken little looks more like a winner than Ackman and a he man compared to QTR – Chris Irons.

And remember, $3 million is the max. My guess is that his real investment in HLF puts was much less than that.

I wrote this back in November………

“Still there are a lot of shorts out there. This is exciting for we longs. With Ackman out and earnings past, look for these shorts to begin covering enmasse.  The excitement and drama in shorting HLF is now gone. As they cover, HLF stock will rise. And with Ackman gone, the negative PR that we have experienced for nearly 5 years now will also stop. This will accelerate sales for Herbalife and thus HLF earnings in the future.

Now is the time to begin adding more shares.  Buy on the dip. Don’t get sidetracked by negative and erroneus stories on seeking alpha and other FAKE NEWS outlets pushing doom and gloom for Herbalife and HLF stock. Haven’t we heard enough of this over the last 4 3/4 years? If it had any traction, why didn’t it work?”

Recent history shows that I was once again right. And I was  not alone. Real investors also knew this all along. 

I also wrote this back in November…….

“And what of Ackman? What will he do now? We know that he is trying to get seats on ADP. God  help ADP if he succeeds. He will do to ADP what he did to JCP. So many people lost jobs thanks to Ackman. JCP still hasn’t recovered.

Ackman hyped VRX buying shares @ $270  and then sold @ $10. Brilliant move.

He shorted HLF  @ $35   and covered north of $75. Brilliant move.

He was so wrong with Borders, Target, Chipottle and so many more. He bankrupted Gotham Partners.  He has been wrong more times than he has been right.

He is the worst hedge fund manager. No one has been more wrong more often than Ackman.  He is a self serving, egotistical clown. He has not been called “a modern day PT Barnum” for nothing. He is all show and no go.”


ackman the worst of wall street

“ADP, I hope you are listening.

HLF longs,   I hope you are listening too. I have been on this since December, 2012. I have never been wrong once.  Ackman and shills? They haven’t been right even once.”

The latest on Ackman is that he is now going long on UTX. Since the announcement came out, UTX has been dropping like a rock. Why is it that everything Ackman touches turnes to dog poop? In this case it is real shame because UTX is a good company that has unfortunately been infected by the “Ackman Curse”

Notice the drop in UTX right after Ackman came in several weeks ago……….

UTX United Technologies Corporation daily Stock Chart


And what happened to that huge growth Ackman and his naive shills were predicting for ADP last October.  If you bought into this when Ackman did you would be in the red. That seems to be Ackman’s favorite color when it comes to investing. 


ADP Automatic Data Processing, Inc. daily Stock Chart


Ackman may need to find another line of work. I can suggest something for him…..

And now we can call him “lunchbucket Bill” And perhaps he can use his influence to get Chris Irons aka QTR a job there too. That is if QTR is physically in good enough shape to do this kind of work. 


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